due to the blisters squatting on the back of my heels i gave myself a day off from the gym, and so when i slowly woke up without the aid of the alarm clock it felt weird that is was sunny in my room. sunny morning room--that's what spring and summer bring. fall and winter bring cold black morning rooms. anyways, i woke up from a dream. "in my dream, he told me, i was a little angel in a very heavenly place...." no. in my dream i was in grade three and going to a new school AGAIN. when i walked in the class had already started and the teacher welcomed me and told me to sit down. a girl said i could sit by her, and we went on to do some sort of quiz. all the girls around me seemed to be wearing some rainbow item or another. they were very friendly to me and i called them the rainbow girls in my head. we all got the quiz right except for some non rainbows near us who were trying to pretend that they did get it right. all the girls were getting excited because it was close to recess time but i didn't look forward to it at all. i thought "i'm going to have to make friends again. what am i supposed to do for recess all by myself?" then i woke up.

i'm sure glad that part of my life is over. the moving and lonely recesses and dreading school.
