a rook bird--is a crow II

so the food was really good. soooooooooo many good dips. dips is where it is at. there were other good things too, like some yum-dilly-ishus gyoza, but the dips. hello. in between rounds we would congregate in the kitchen and indulge in the goods.

to randomly divide us into teams and tables, brother burgess would have us pick a card from the deck. the colour of your number told you which table to go to and your partner would be the one with the other even number or the other odd number, depending what your card was. (ie. the odds together, the evens together). i was pared with good partners all throughout the night and i only ever got set once so i had a pretty good score and so came in 4th. i was happy with that. bishop elton had been my partner twice and was my last partner. his score was close to mine but higher so i knew i wouldn't beat him, and he ended up winning. he got a box of chocolates and he shared it with everyone like a gracious winner should. (not that i would)

on the way home randy and karey had some tension about directionals. personally i think randy has some control issues in that area. he gets really uptight about not knowing where he's going or making a wrong turn. you wouldn't think it, but he does. i tried to carry a little bit of conversation to lighten the load but tiredness overtook me and i dozed.
