yesterday i spent the largest chunk of my time reading watership down. (you guys should read it. you'd like it.) when i say most of my time, i mean i was tired but i didn't nap. i read. i had it with me to read during the commercials when survivor was on and to read when csi disgusted me (i hate it that every family has some dark way out there secret that they discover. it's almost never a good family that something bad happened to) or when randy offended me. ( "i don't like you." i said to him and raised my book. "i already know that." he said. he had said that i was mean because i wouldn't tell selina the end of the story on er. (against my principles) he said being mean to her made my night. "oh you're so nice." i said, hurt in spite of myself because of the callous picture he was painting of me. "i am nice." said randy. "then why don't you be nice and go home." i shot at him, feeling victorious but at the same time, a little guilty for being so good at it. i think i made selina a tiny but uncomfy in the work place.) anyways after er, i went to my room and continued reading until i finished it at two thirty in the morning. it was just at that point where i couldn't stop reading. i needed to finish and i did but i'm a little tired now.

someone at work brought in a little abyissinian kitten. only five weeks old. it was all eyes and ears. it has a really pretty face. her name is lucy. i want a kitten.

yesterday i was listening to a bethany mixed cd and the newsie song came on. instantly all the memories of the summer family reunion when we drove to parksville together singing it on the top of our lungs (me, bethany, amay, sarah and kyle) and each time it would end we would cry and all throughout the day we would stop and sing different parts of it together. it was such fun times. so i phoned up bethany who answered and we sang along to it together. then i said "bye." and she said "bye." and i phoned sarah and amay and left parts of it on their answering machines but sarah never got hers so maybe amay didn't either. rude. sarah says she feels sick all the time and that it's hard to be chipper at work. "chipper"??! the nerve. i told her to eat bananas because they come up smooth like. she said she and kyle probably weren't having a date tonight and that was about all i squeeze out of her. i need to talk to muds and duds about their trip. i phoned but there was no answer. not that that's a surprise or anything. i may fall asleep before i make it out of this chair. i'm afraid of falling into a deep sleep and not knowing if it's morning or night when i wake up. i'm frightened of that.

i carved the coolest pumpkin at work yesterday. i really like him. he's frightened and frightening. i'm going to make him again for our house pumpkins. i love pumpkin carving. what could be better fun than carving pumpkins i ask you? i named him charles and lisa said he was chucky. today was a rare friday that lisa works and so it was more of a relaxed friday for me. we made shake n' bake chicken with cheddar bacon mashed potatoes. i got the idea from boston pizza i believe. it's not bad and sure to give you more junk in your trunk.
