without emotion

tired. it's the tired time of the week. fatigue began yesterday and was a steady influence today. yawned so much at work that i got teary eyed and everyone else around me was yawning too due to me. today our special was chef salad and i personally peeled 39 hard boiled eggs. when it comes to peeling the hard boiled egg the ease is in the membrane. if the membrane is tight it makes the peeling experience UNpleasant. a tight membrane means that every time you try to chip a piece of shell off of the egg, some eggwhite wants to chunk off with it. if you're making egg salad sandwiches this is annoying, but it doesn't matter much as the egg will be mushed/grated/chopped. but with chef salad, you slice the egg in two and place it at the side of the salad. you don't want a mangled egg. you want a whole egg, a presentable egg. bethany should know. she's eggie afterall. she's egg. anyways if you've got a loose membrane, you get under it and the shell fairly slides off leaving a glossy white orb in your happy hand.

my library of books was joined by around 20 new books today. all classics. a member brought in 3 or 4 boxes full of the good books. i had a hay day and left with a box full. i've got every Dickens novel i've ever heard of and some i haven't, i've got war and peace and anna karinen, the idiot, some thomas hardy books, a joseph conrad, anne bronte, wilkie collins, and MORE. i really need a new bookcase. karey's supposed to give me one for my birthday but so far no book case has materialized into my presance. yay yay yay! i've got books!

i hung bethany's christmas painting and gram on the wall yesterday, and they bless my room. i also organized one of my drawers into the stationary drawer, and it was quite a revelation to see all the awesome stuff i have. all the cool japanese stationary, felts, gel pens, pencil crayons, finger paint, water colour paint, pastels, scissors, special glue, whole puncher, stapler, cool stickers and MORE. so many possibilities of things to create. so much at my fingertips whenever i want it.

speaking of creations, i just made up a new sandwich. i'm out of bread but i was jones'n for a sandwich, so i took one of my flour tortillas, folded it in four and put it in the toaster. it came out all toastie and crispy on the two toasted sides, but i could still open it up and smear a little but of peanutbutter (which promptly melted the way i like it to) and jam and then i folded it back up and ate it. good. very good.

karey's new computer arrived today. it's pretty coolio. it's pretty wow. she just has to get it hooked up to the moniter and we can do the downloads. i like to do the downloads. right now karey is taking a test at bcit. she's really nervous. stop and do a little think about karey.

it's now time for either a short read of watership down, or a short snooze. or both. any two will do.
