just recently i escaped a near scalping. i was taking my newly filled baby blue rubbermaids out of the kitchen and into the storage room. the storage room i chose was the storage room off of the laundry room. now you have to duck to get into the laundry room, which i manuevered successfully. however, you have to duck even lower to get into the storage room off of the laundry room and this manuever was forgotten, resulting in a dull scraping across the front to back of my head as i entered. i'm not going to lie to you, it hurt me. but if i was pollyanna i would say that i'm glad that i still have my scalp. and if i thought about it i would tend to agree with pollyanna.

today at work was a bit crazy as in we were all acting a bit crazy and i was trying to come down off of the crazy high on my way back home. the truth is, i eat too much sugar there and i need to stop, but i just can't. i think about it before i leave the house but i suck back the sugar and then on the way home, i'm like what's up with all the sugar? like can't you stop? can if i want to, i say to myself. no just kidding but an addict typically does say that on tv, books and movies.

lisa just phoned to remind me to look for the visa receipt that i keep forgetting to look for. she knows how i forget things. she's the one who makes me put post it notes on my purse to remember to bring things home and i began writing my appointments in her day timer so that she can remind me because i don't look in the book again after i write the things down. and i am good at remembering all the things we need to do during the day and the things we need to take out of the freezer and buy and so forth and i research for her on the internet. so what i'm tryin to say is that we are a good team.

it's so hard to wake up when it's dark. this morning i only managed it because i put my alarm on so loud that it startled me awake.

the special bethany clock finally has a battery in it and is sitting pretty on my little dresser. another specialty item on my little dresser is a panorama bamboo frame with the panorama shot i took of amay at englishman river falls as she lay on a rock and looked into the green pool. i like it. i intend to put out many a special thing that reminds me of the specials in my life. i feel so blessed for all the specials in my life. i have so many and they're so easy to love.
