i think this one deserves a title, said fatima out of the corner of her mouth

friday. friday was turkey day at work and lisa abandoned me, but she had enough of a catholic upbringing to feel guilty about it. so therefore she had it all planned out and prepared and i had very little to do. the turkeys (all 6) were cooked and carved, the potatoes were all peeled and waiting in pots of water, dave mac. had promised to make the gravy, and all the plastic knives and forks and paper plates were set out already (disposible dishes for my convenience). all i had to do was mash the potatoes, make the stove top stuffing, the frozen corn and cut the ten pumpkin pies. well everyone else believed that i had a lot of work to do, so they came by and offered to help or just jumped in. cory mashed the potatoes and spearheaded the cutting of the pies, daniel and mike made the stuffing and i did very little. i boiled the corn and put the pies on plates. we had lunch from 11:30-12:30 to accomodate the decending hoards in our dining room. well all went pretty well except for a few predictible rude-ies, like frank who wouldn't eat anything but potatoes and meat and then complained that it wasn't a lot for two bucks. i refrained from putting a strangle hold around his neck and just told him to go away. but first i told him how wonderful it was to have thankful people on the thanksgiving holiday and that was what life was about. he got a little mischeivious smile on his face but it turned sour when i said the equivilent of get lost. we had lots of left overs. we had pies galore. i tried to push multiple pie eatings on everyone. dave d. whipped a pie-piece at cory who ducked and luckily tanya also ducked because she was next in line if you can picture it like i do. i told dave i'd give him two bucks to eat the pie off the floor. he popped it in his mouth and held out his hand. i said that will have to be an iou. the kind of iou that is never paid, but i didn't say that part out loud. clean up was fast because of the lack of dishes and i was glad because of how tired i was. i was. i was TIRED.

so after i was off i was walking to the door and then my car i saw my bud lin sitting and doing her crossword puzzles. since it was puzzle in the plural, i stole one and worked on it in the quiet sunny peacefulness of the clerical unit. dave d helped me. then i went home and i don't remember what i did. but i did something. fatima just reminded me that i was reading my six pages of book of mormon on my large and comfy bed. i was laying there like i didn't want to ever get up and i didn't. but i had to. fatima came over and looked at the pictures on the floor pile. the give away do something else with them pile. she enjoyed the one of dad leaning down to kiss the turkey, taken at last thanksgiving. it delighted her and so i gave it to her.

the ferry was really full. full to the brim. i had a number of jared arnott sightings before the others saw him as well. he talked to us for a bit. we also saw the predictable nathan. he saved our seats while we went to eat and yet he wasn't in the seats when we returned. had to go the bathroom. ya right. later in the parking lot we saw rachel and bryce. so many sightings.

nobody was here except dixie and her sons and her aunt katherine. aunt katherine said she thought i was like that girl with red coloured, you know like dyed, hair but that i had the 'build' (i swallowed the unpleasantry of the word 'build' because aunt katherine is aged and one swallows things like that with the aged. they don't mean no harm) of dixie. we chatted a lot with aunt katherine and dixie throughout the night. we know such things as what squirelly bread does to aunt katherine's bowels and about her toenails which have never been right since she got her first pair of high heels which her mom ordered from sears. they were too small but she wore them anyways. now she suffers. you'll be glad to know that her and dixie are putting softening ointments on the nails to hopefully up aunt katherine's quaility of life. dixie will also encourage her to go to the podiatrist at my suggestion. dixie showed us the pans and pans of food that she made and which we were invited to eat. she also gave us her cards in case we ever wanted to visit. her cards said "daughter, wife, mother, grandmother" on them and they also said "families are forever." we asked her to sign the backs of them. she was bewildered but she obliged.

fatima and i slept on the couches. i slept and she suffered. another predictable pattern of our visits.

next day bethany gave me a massawge in the sewing room on her massawge table. my upper half was in the buff. the buff i tell you. but bethany had a discrete sheet. she put on the music and she oiled her hands. then she went about her work. and a good work it was. i got up feeling refreshed, relaxed and had the look of just waking up. it was goodness for my sore neck, shoulders and back. it was just plain goodness. goodness that i want more of.

kevin has hair like a girl's.

then it was time for my appointment at sarah's salon. not her very own salon, but the one in which she works as the lowly yet gifted junior stylist. bethany came with. she had promised to spend the whole day with me. amy had to work. fatima was working on her group 'project of personal internal pain'. she worked on it ALL DAY and i was mad about it. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to herrrrr. sarah straightened my hair with the ultra expensive wowie-zowie flat iron from europe or somewhere else posh and pretentious. it made my hair super flat as well. i don't know who i am without the bush about my face. it was too soon to tell, but i had a feelin' that sarah had worked her magic once again. we then climbed aboard the beast which makes other cars look like toys and people look like ants, and drove to pita pit where bethanybeaniebottom bought a souvlaki pita with a side of babaganoush at my suggestion. a very good suggestion it was too. i came home and force fed fatimaatthecomputer. then it was time for the momentous cut of bethany's mop. it was to be bohemian gusto. it took a long time. but when it was done, hello!

katie and sarah came over last night and we played consequences. on the last reading i had a case of the hysterics. it was impossible to stop laughing. my stomach kept cramping up and pushing out loud raspy not laura sounding laughs and tears streamed down my face. i haven't had a hysterics situation in a long time. hysterics are interesting. you are totally out of control. i could actually feel that one coming on and had been trying to keep the laughter to controlable levels, but alas it became too much and too much is a good description of hysterics. i remember my first hysterics it was in our (mine and katie's) room in surrey and i laughed at a dumb joke and i couldn't stop. we were going to bed. what i'm saying amongst other things, is that fatigue is usually involved. after consequences we watched monsoon wedding. i think my favourite part of that movie was the side romance of alice and dubey and all the marigolds, the ones he ate, the one she put in her hair, before running into him with her tray, the ones she ripped apart in anger, the ones he made a heart out of to give to her and the marigold umbrella they were married under. it was the sweetest story. i also like the story of the dad. the dad was a very good character. lots of layers. i liked the way the dad really loved his kids, his family. the filming was very 'artsy', in katie's words.

this morning i woke up with a start at 8:21. i washed my hair curly and got ready and was late. delanie was out in the foyer too. nothing really to report from church. katie and i and delanie talked in the foyer during sunday school and bethany sat between katie and i during rs. rs. was on service. i'd had the lesson and said the same thing in it that i said in my branch ( well close to the same. maybe better said.) katie said she was just thinking the same thing.

i'm so hot i could implode.

after church i read my six pages and then i napped. the twins have been making cheesecake and now it's time to break the martha fast. i hope that everything goes well for her on tuesday. i'm glad someone else from the family will be with her. i wish we all could.
