2.5 chunks, says kevin

well well well. let's play a little catch up shall we? yes, let us indulge verily.

so last monday selina and i went to the symphony. the young whipper snapper at the ticket booth tried to sell us tickets on the right side, but hello, when there is going to be a soloist, one does not sit on the right hand side. one sits on the left so as to enjoy an uninhibited view of said soloist. so i told the boy to get us something on the left and he did. it was in the 27th row but our view was sufficient and i was satisfied.

it being the season opening 'weekend', maestro tovey did in fact lead us in O Canada, and i noticed this time that the orchestra stands too and plays standing on the two hind legs if you will. i sang gustily because i enjoy singing the national anthem at any opportunity and especially amongst my fellow canadians. the first piece played was contraversally by borodin. i don't remember that much about it. i was there mostly for what came next. and so after the maestro exited, most of the violin section did as well and the long long long haired 'stage hands' came out to move things around and bring in the piano. once everything was situated, the violinists came back and eventually so did the maestro along with a wildly bushy haired piano soloist. selina and i both agreed that his hair was exactly right for the part. so he and the symphony orchestra played rachmaninoff's piano concerto no.3. it was facinating to me. he wasn't as wildly passionate as the soloist who we saw with bethany and amay in the spring, but he had a certain intensity and would suddenly fling his arms down at his side, like they were rag dolls, when he wasn't playing. he got a standing ovation.

after intermission it was scheherazade by rimsksy-korsakov. tovey told us that they were playing it for Art who had been a 1st violinist in the vso for years and had just recently passed away. his widow and children were there that night. scheherazade is inspired by the 1001 nights or arabian nights. it was supposed to have an 'oriental' flavour. i liked it. selina was getting over a cold and had a couple of coughs but i realized that i didn't have to care and i didn't. going to the symphony with selina was different. she brought gummy worms which we shared at the appropriate moments. she put them between our seats for easy access. i enjoyed thinking of how steve would have been appalled. he probably rolled over in his bed at that moment (or the couch or wherever he was). ha ha. don't matter to me no more. selina and i looked at books at chapters before the symphony began. i found lots and lots to buy but i didn't because i'm a good girl these days.

on tuesday i went to institute like my mom said i should. i drove elicia and tanya. i had been full of this crazy energy all day. it was like cabin fever but i was outta the cabin. i couldn't stay still at work and i did things like when teaching bruce about how to set up the sandwich station, i made him guess the names of the dressings and i would answer his guesses like i was a loud host of a game show. the last one i said was for a million dollars and when he got it right i said he didn't get the money on a technicality (he said honey-honey-honey dijon instead of honey dijon). i sang disney songs loudly and on the slightest provocation. lisa said not to give me any more sugar. whatever to her. so when tanya called and said she was too tired and she wanted to go but she was too tired, i cheered "common tania! common! let's go!" and i kept it up until she said she would come and she didn't want to hear my voice anymore. i felt like my deed was accomplished. heather wanted to go on a walk with me and i had 55 minutes to go before institute so i squeezed in a 45 min walk with her in lieu of eating supper. it helped to get a lot of that craziness out. heather and i needed to chat. to check in with each other if you will. we had had a soul searching talk a couple of weeks earlier, about what we didn't like about our lives and things we wanted to do to change. so it was a good walk, a good talk and institute turned out to be pretty good too, even though barb brought no dark chocolate or any chocolate of the sort.
