i saw a pink jelly bean lying on the ground, so naturally i picked it up and ate it.

early this morning in near wakefullness i tried to roll over in bed and the attempt caused me to whimper in pain. it's my neck again. it hurts viciously, all the way down to my arm. i seem bound to have neck problems for the rest of my life. i'm entering the phase of body decay.

johnny cash. i love him. i love his deep voice. i love his honky tonk ways. i've been listening to elicia's cd in my car, and the more i listen the more i enjoy. today as i was singing along i wanted to share the enjoyableness with the sisters but no sisters were around. there are some parts that are just purely made for sister singing. his songs are still rollicking in my head right now. i never thought those days when dad watched johnny cash on channel 3 and i sat there bored that there would come a day when johnny and me would become friends. but here you are. the thing i love about music, is that there are so many ways to make music, so many ways to be reached, so many ways to enjoy and be moved.

i shopped today. i had to take our work microwave in to be fixed and the repair place is near metrotown and i need clothes in a desperate way. so i did a little shopping. it was really hard not to go hard core and shop my head off, but i refrained and still spent more than i can probably afford this pay cheque, but who needs food and gas? i got a green sweater that i like a lot. bring on the brisk cold windy days. it's green sweater time.

i got home and was showing my goods to the roomies, when lisa phoned my cell. she phoned to tell me that the popcorn husk that she'd been digging for in her gums all day had finally come out. we had a good laugh together. she felt vindicated because she had begun to doubt that a husk was even there (i think we've all had that feeling haven't we folks). that's what kind of friends we are. we talked for a while after that about sundry topics. i like her a lot.
