feels like i'm getting a sore throat. nevertheless i'm in a pleasant frame of mind today. it's a nice lazy do what you want saturday. this morning i woke up at ten. i had this weird dream that i was pregnant and i gave birth and after i did, i was surprised. "that was so easy", i thought. " i always thought it was really painful and hard." then i went away for the weekend and all of a sudden i realized that i had forgotten my baby at home all by its self. and i was struck with panic and remorse. i was worried that it had died because it had no one to feed it and it had been three days or something. i kept thinking "how could you forget your own baby?!"

when i got up, i ambled into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and did some minimalistic saturdayish type prepriations. on a saturday i want to be layed back and minimalistic. especially in the morning. no fru fru, no effortful beauty. i took my hair out of braids and tucked the fuzzy parts behind my ears and left the kinky waves to themselves. mascara on the top lashes, no eye liner and a light lip gloss. selina and i went out for dim sum at 10:30. she had suggested 9:30, but due to my protestations we agreed at 10:30. she said in hong kong people go for dim sum at 7 in the morning! i didn't know this, but i kind of enjoyed the idea of morning dimsum in the end. she said if you wait too long all the good stuff is gone. we went to her dad's favourite cheap place near fraser and kingsway. it was packed and i'm pretty sure i was the only white person there--two good signs. we got put in the farthest corner near the storage hallway, which i faced, but we still got the attention we needed. selina was sheepish about using her 'bad chinese' but it was very helpful in discussion with the trolley ladies. i had two things i haven't tried before. one was a green leafy vegetable thing which was good and the other was selina's sister's favourite. it was sooo good. i can't really describe it and give it justice. but i liked it a lot. we both left feeling satisfied and not too full.

selina came in and we talked for a while. we were talking about books and stuff and i was getting all animated and going through all the books on my shelf one by one and then all of a sudden i heard and saw myself and realized that i was being steve-esque. "i don't need to go through every book." i said sheepishly and forcing myself to stop even though i was dying to share things about each one. there was a pause. " i just felt like steve." i confessed. "you were reminding me of him a little bit." confirmed selina. it's funny how people leave a little bit of themselves in you. i think something about them brings out the same dormant qualities in yourself and then they're out and molded in their specific way. know what i mean? i think everyone i've been close with has affected me that way, but i don't always see how completely i've adopted their way of being. i wonder if i make the same kind of impressions and changes or openings in people. so anyways we talked about books a lot and movies and different things. i've been wanting to see phantom of the opera again lately and so does she, although she said she didn't like it that much, so we might watch it together on monday.

linda just got home from her many travels and adventures in asia. sarita is so excited and is mothering away. she made her a big batch of chili (which apparently linda loves) and she keeps trying to get the cat excited to see linda. she is being very solicitous. do you want some water? do you want to have a shower now? (linda's been in the same clothes for five days, and sarita's asked her about the shower about 3 times) want some chili? :) anyways everyone is having chili now, so i'm outta here.
