sometimes there is nothing to say, but i say it anyways

mom bought michelle a harmonica when we went to coombs on the wednesday of our family reunion. that night she played us all a song that she made up on it. she wouldn't look anyone in the eye because she seems to have a lot of performance anxiety. but it was pretty impressive because it seemed like a real song, with a tune, a beginning and an ending. a six year old harmonica prodigy. then rhiannon sang "i'm all made of hinges". she was so cute. so little and serious. the twins and sarah-lynn did their bells song with their sassy actions. their clear enjoyment of each other and singing together was the infectious type of gladness. jordan put together a slide show that reminded me how much i love my family and how special it is to be together and to be friends with each other. to tell you the truth i got a little choked up. i think this was my favourite 'campfire' of the reunion.
