the large day

good morgon as a dave i know would say. this morgon somebody set off the fire alarm which is right outside my room. it was a problem for my sleeping quality of life but it was overcome.

the huge day:

it started at 7:40 am. that's when i had to get up, but did not want to. but i did. and brushed my teeth and washed my face, and put some clothings on, and put the hair in the braids and applied the sunscreen to the face, neck and hair part. at this point in time i was ready to go. sarita and karey were prepared also. so we went out to the car. my car that is. --time for a digression: it's my car. i'm ashamed. full of shame and self disaproval. the thing is that my car is filthy and has been for a week now. no, it's more dirty than you can probably imagine. first of all it has dried mud splotches all over it from driving the dirt-pot-hole-roads at the trek campsite. secondly that campsite also gave me the dubious gift of many dollops (as i said to fatima and priscilla) of bird poo all down the right hand side. thirdly it has all been cemented in, shallacked on if you will, with the sappy rain the tree outside our house deposits on the cars. it is sooo bad that my side window is all streaked with it because of me rolling the window up and down, and i can barely see out of it. every day i think "today i'm going to wash the car." and every day goes by with a dirty dirty car in my possession. end of digression--. so back to the story of my day of cosiderable girth, i drove us in the unbelievably dirty car to historic steveston. where we signed the insurance wavers, donned the full body orange flotation suits, and karey grabbed the dorky pair of sunglasses that she had last time, i grabbed a toque and some gloves and when our naturalist who was sucking back the coffee in order to be as awake and alert as she could having very little sleep and showing it , said we could go, we three whom i shall name the whale watching bullies because of sarita's previous comments alluding to a willingness to push over the aged and the asain in order to get a seat in front and her motto which was "we're not here to make friends. we're here to see whales!", waddled as fast as our orange suits would allow to be the first at the boat in order to get in the first row. a lady in the back said she wanted the front row, but no way. "we called it!" we said. something about the orange suits... have to get ready for church more to come later.
