... beneath thy shining skies...

happy birthday canada. you're 138 years old today. love you.

mornings are the best time to write. it'd be the first thing i did every day, besides the obligatory pee, if i could. but most mornings i have to do things like get ready for work. but not today. today is canada day. yippee!

a laura retrospective: yesterday work was as usual. i panicked when lisa wasn't back when she said she would be and started making the gravy, like only a girl in a frenzy can. there were some initial lumps but those that did not succumb to my ruthless wisking, sank to the bottom like ships on the floor of a gravy ocean.

lisa left at one and i spent a lot of time doing the end of the month iou. book keeping. it's a kind of tedium that i like to do sometimes.

in other work news, we defrosted both the freezers and found five freezies from last year's freezie craze, initiated by me, completely burried in the ice. they were all orange and peach because those were the least favoured flavours. a whole ice cube tray and a paint brush wrapped in plastic were also excavated. i think it's time to start my freezie craze again. why fight it? it's natural.

upon arriving home i heard my phone talking. it's my new ring for friends, and i'm still getting used to it. at first i always think "who's that talking? is that part of the music? i've never noticed that before...." and then i slowly understand. ie. the fog lifts off my brain-pond for a few seconds. it was steve. he wanted to set the record straight that he did call me back and was not, and i quote, "like that." he's very sensitive to slander, liable, what have you. if he did, my phone didn't say so and it usually does, but he was adamant that it wasn't someone else he called back, or a dream he had that he called back. so i guess it will remain a mystery... he didn't have the time to talk then because the bus was coming and steve does not talk on the phone on the bus. this was a call purely for the purposes of clearing his name. that done, he said he'd call me back. that said, he hasn't called yet. he just likes to live on the edge of a good reputation, i think.

after being home for ten minutes or so i felt that it was time to move on. what i mean to say is that it was pay day and the shops called my name and i, true to the call of the shops, obeyed straightway. my first stop was a shop on main, called bodacious. i read about it in the straight. they make clothes for the 'curvy woman', and when i say they, i meant to say local designers. "interesting", i thought as i read. curvy woman may be a euphamisim, but i'll buy into that kind of talk, having a number of curves myself. so i dropped by. it was very hot in the store and i felt a trickle sliding down the small of my back as i went through the racks. (i did find a fan and what a relief! i stood right in front of it for a while looking at some clothes thinking "thumbsdown" while my body thought "heavenly") most of the stuff was very pricey, local designers afterall, and not very practical. i did try on some bicycle shorts and a wick-away-sweat type top, but the top was too short and the shorts had no padding in the 'saddle area', and that just so happens to be an area where my body is not equipped with enough padding. if i could rearrange some padding for the bike rides, i would, but unfortunately bodies aren't typically the mix and match type of contraptions. anyways i also tried on a sexy little red dress that i'd have to wear a little red t-shirt under, but it was too see-through. so i emerged from the pink curtained change room, to a lady who told me that the store was closing. oops. i forgot that the main shops stubbornly and annoyingly close at six every day. so i left. not as exciting as i had hoped. then, a little dazed by the sun, i went the wrong way, but quickly oriented myself (i wonder if the verb orient and the geographical region called the orient are historically related in any way) and made my way back to my car.

the next stop was mountain equipment co-op. i was turning left from broadway onto manitoba, i belive and almost died. it was one of those times when another car turning left was blocking my view of the oncoming traffic, but i thought i knew that it was pretty clear, and i thought to myself "don't be so cautious. just go for it, you'll make it!" well i should have told myself to shut up. because i narrowly and i mean narrowly missed being plowed by an oncoming car, which angrily honked and rightfully so. probably scared them half to death. i gave myself a good talking to as i shakily parked the car on the rooftop parking. i recalled the benefits of being cautious. nothing to sneer at. inside, i went straight for the cycling section. there is so much that one could joyfully spend money on there. i found some new, nicely padded and not too expensive cycling shorts, but all the tops were a little too friendly with my curves if you know what i mean. on my way out i saw something that might do, in a non cycling section. i'll have to go back tomorrow. i also eyed some lights and a cyclocomputer. i used to have a cyclocomputer and i really liked it. i mostly liked knowing how fast i was going. that was very enjoyable. i also looked at erganomical seats, hopping to lesson the numbness factor, so that i will someday be able to bear children if the opportunity arises, but they are soooo expensive. i may just have to be happy with the gel cover heather offered to lend me, and my padded shorts. i didn't buy the shorts because elicia called while i was in the change room. she was worried about the traffic out to the ferries because of the ferry incident earlier that day, so since i would have to get a membership before purchasing, and that might take too long, i decided to come back.

i pulled up to the house and i could see elicia's rainbow striped shirt through her bedroom window. she was bent over fiddling. the english (like from england)have a word for what elicia does is called "fumfering". rob and ruth taught me that. ruth says that rob's a fumferer. he's english, and i guess that's why she knows the term. anyways, i waited in the car while elicia fumfered, and listened to brown eyed girl and watched a young family's antics as they walked past our house.

on the drive to tswassen, elicia and i talked about her day. she had some successful mediation between some girls in her group, that she was quite proud of. i told her all about the autistic man with the funny voice and sneaky antics at my work. there wasn't much traffic to speak of, and i got her to the ferry with an hour to spare.

came home and had some ribena and mini pizzas. i got some mini pizzas and pizza pops from the freezer clean out at work. lisa gave them to me. and now that's all we eat around here. except elicia because they're meaty ones. heather was watching cutting edge. that movie is so cheese-cake. i love the way her eyes are always popped out. ha ha. i didn't even have gumption to stay up late. i was so tired that i fell asleep around 11, and i couldn't make myself sleep longer than 8. and that was yesterday.
