this could be your lucky day

i've been energetic. i've gotten things done. makes me feel good inside. gives me a glow. what it boils down to is, that i finally planted my herb garden. i love each herb in that tender part of my heart reserved for herbs. for one, they just smell so gooood. secondly they just look so wholesome sitting there packed snugly in the fresh earth. there's so much hope in a plant. hope and promise.

planting my herbs, (and when i say herbs i am saying herb, not 'erb. i'll leave that to the english, newfies and pretentious dialect prescriptivists.), gave me the energy and enthusiasm to start on my new project. i pulled out giant dandylions bordering our garden and then i tackled the grass problem. the grass problem is thus: our little garden was just dug out of the lawn, so the lawn borders right on the garden and the grass grows into it, and when i mow the lawn i can't get the very edge of the lawn, and so it's longer and so it don't look too good. so i dug a trench between the garden and the lawn and then trimmed the grass with some sciccors and the result is that it looks nice and neat and like a real garden. our garden isn't doing too well. the lady next door to us has zuchinni too, and her plants are huge compared to ours. ours are sad. i hope they survive.

then i did the dishes and wiped the counters and swept the floor.

then i was done.

at work today we were having a meeting about the standards, specifically the work-ordered day, and sue the program director, said i'm going to get laura to start us off. and then my mind went blank. clean as a whistle. i could not think of one thing to say about the work-ordered day, even though it's a topic i like to discuss and that i have lots of ideas about. dave d, said "you didn't really go to collegue training did you?" doesn't seem like it. later i came up with a few things to say. embarrassing, but what can you do? i just needed to get warmed up.
