there were a few things i planned to do with my late morning today. i planned to go for a run. i planned to do my laundry and perhaps some household chores. but everything changed when sarita put a book in my hand last night. i read Tuesdays with Morrie for an hour before i fell asleep. woke up at nine, started reading around ten and finished it a little after twelve. it was such a good book. heart warming, inspirational, touching and sad at times, but joyous too. sarita said it was a horribly depressing book, but that's only because it made her cry on the bus. but it's not depressing at all. you know what i want to do? i want to write an essay on some of the topics and life philosophies. that's totally what i want to do. and i don't really remember a time that i wanted to write an essay voluntarily. it made me want to study sociology too. it reminded me of the pricelessness of human relationships. so at first i was feeling guilty for spending my whole morning reading a book, but then i took a step back and thought what coulc be better for me than reading this great book full of truths right now? then why feel guilty about it? and so i didn't.

i've seen revenge of the siths. poor darth vader.
