pink day

today's message: see the forrest for the trees. i keep hearing that phrase in all the music i'm listening to. twins fault.

tania says "we always need lecturing." what a crock. she's here right now and she's stopping me from writing in my journal.

so this morning selina and i went on a run. we ran from six ten to seven in the am. after our last run, we were walking down the middle of the road deep in conversation, when this old man who was walking his dawg, waved to us and grouched at us. he said he may be old fashioned but why were we walking in the middle of the road? i wondered why it was any of his beeswax, but i politely explained to him that we had been running and that it was a better surface to run on than the sidewalk. well it's not safer, he grumbled. we'll be carefull i dismissed him. i mean it was seven in the morning in a quiet residential area. no cars around, lots of stop signs. i thought 'mind your own business grumps.' then i thought 'i bet he's our neighbour and now he doesn't like us. maybe i should tell him about my exemplary lawn mowing.'

so today was the day of the week that i was tired of my same-old t-shirts, so i dressed up a little. i usually do this once a week. it's nothing new. so today i chose my khaki pants, and my pink sweater with my pink plaid button up underneath. i've worn this before. i'd just like to make that clear. so i pulled part of my hair back with a few tendrils down... anyways it must of been the winning combination because you would not believe the compliments i got all day from staff and members alike. i can't even count them all. it was quite surprising. my favourite was from larry, a member who always says a cheery child like hello to me when i walk by his perch by the door, which he doesn't leave, and beckons me over for a little chat. today i had already had my little chat with larry and i was on an errand when i walked by and he said "can i tell you that you are very pretty?" "thanks larry!" i said because he was being sweet. "you are." he said "you're very pretty." well at least the locals think so at times. i was very popular today, not only with the male species. everyone was telling me of my good looks. it was a landslide victory. anyways tomorrow it will be back to the t-shirt and jeans. back to the status quo.

i've got a head ache and i have all day. i'm very tired. i drove brent to aldergrove today. it went withought a hitch. then tania came over to practice for choir, but that was a gong show. lisa always says gong show. newbie had never heard of the gong show. imagine.
