i mowed the lawn today. mowing the lawn always makes me feel good. it means i'm productive and it makes my house look better and it smells good too. plus i have a sneaking suspision that it makes the neighbours like me/us. i just know that behind their blinds and curtains they are giving approving nods and saying those girls are upstanding. those girls are welcome in our neighbourhood.

we have a new girl in our unit at work. i like to call her newbie. today was my one year anniversary at work. yes it sure was. now there's a newbie AND i can't get fired without a reason. whew, made it just under the wire...

yesterday i finished reading Believing Christ. i've had good intentions of reading it since my mission, and now i finally have. a very good book. a solid understanding of the atonement. i liked it a lot.

yesterday i was restless, and was like, what's the deal yo? and then later i realized it was because i wasn't at the symphony, but what can you do? it's life. to life, to life lehiem, lehiem, lehiem to life. here's to my bride to be...
