albert mooney says he loves her, all the boys are fightin' for her...

i'm so tired, but i refuse to go to bed because i can sleep in tomorrow if i want and i want.

mrs. stratton's been here. been here and gone. zip zip zipedeedoodah.

highlights of the visit of mrs. stratton:

1.)dinner at a sala thai. after picking the mrs up from the ferry i felt famished, and she was moderately hungry, having indulged on some caesar and chicken strips on the ferry. in the words of mrs. stratton "but they (the chicken strips) were very small". first we stopped at the house and i gave her the whirlwind tour. she liked my room and rightly so. i showed her to her 'station' which also seconds as a wingbacked chair. i then demonstrated how to manuever around the piles on the floor. ya i said piles on the floor. don't bug me, they're waiting for organization. i wish i could hire somebody (like an organizer), really good. some people do that, but those are also the people with the personal trainers and chefs and gardeners... basically oprah and her ilk. i wouldn't mind being one of oprah's ilk, and speaking of her ilk, her summer book club choice looks really interesting . i want to do it, but that would require buying more books, which is insanity seeing that i have that little book flooding problem right now, not to mention money problems, but still it looks gooo-ood. but i digress. sarah seemed to dig the digs if you know what i mean, and if you don't, i do. karey wanted to come with us even though we had decided on thai food. this decision ocurred on the drive from the ferry. we discovered that we both love a coconut curry, no matter if it was red or green. later i discovered that my sister the mrs., besides also having the furnace feet syndorme, like me also has the impatient desperate need for much water while eating with me. true sisters.. in fact, i was much more patient, but she said she was more thirsty than usual. whatever. same page. that's all that matters. mrs. 's' and i got the red coconut curry with bamboo shoots and went out on a limb and got the one with duck in it. quite good. the duck was tender. we also got pad thai at my insistance. i just really like it. i'm a pad thai convert. nobody else seems to share my enthusiam. "ya it's ok." they say with a shrug. meanwhile i can't get enough of the fabulous stuff. karey got sweet and sour chicken. she likes to be safe.

2.) the hair job. so we came home and it was time to give birth to a new laura. a new laura with new hair. first i had to brush out my hair while stratton prepared the foils. brushing out the hair (which i did very gently fatima) proved to be an enjoyable effort with humerous effects. my hair was soooo long and big and fluffy-floofy with undulating waves and kinks floating in huge puffs on each side of my face. "that's how you'd look if your mom made you brush your hair before you went to school." said missussarahstratton. "um sarah, we have the same mom." i pointed out. she said she was talking about how mom used to make the twins brush their hair before they went to school. i told her about how katie used to brush her hair out in prince george when it was really long, but i didn't remember if mom made us brush our hair or not. i just remember a lot of years with bad cuts. sarah dyed my hair (honey blonde and light blonde) and i read to her from our family journal, which i just recently have brought out and found many a hilarious entry. one that sarah read because it was her turn while we were waiting for the dye to set, was by bethany and it said this: "June 28th 1997
Summer vacation hasn't been very eventful so far. Except for today, the weather's not very good. This is the third day of the Mom and Dad away chronicle. Don't tell anybody, but i didn't know Toronto had a temple until they talked about going there. I can't wait until I'm 12, so I can go to the temple and find out what I'm missing. Siiiigggghhh. Oh wellll. Laura's going to take us swimming at Departure Bay today. I can't wait. (this next exclamation is done in capital bubble letters) WE'RE GOING SWIMMING, WE'RE GOING SWIMMING!!!! (these exclamations symbols are underscored by big teethy mouths) YAAAAAHH!!! You know what, I can't even make myself believe it's summer vacation yet. It just dosn't feel like it. Mom, Dad, let this be a lesson to you; when in school, too long, the longest break dosn't count.
Bethany Clarke"
ha ha ha. sarah and i particularly liked the "mom, dad , let this be a lesson to you." and had a good laugh about it. actually everybody who wrote in our family journal, adds something good. evan wrote a hilarious extremely detailed one about thanksgiving at gram's one year, and sarah wrote about delanie asking her to babysit one new year's eve "i felt like she handed me the moon and i didn't know what to do with it." ha ha ha ha. that one mortifies her, but i love it. martha, amay, me, mom, andrea, katie, layne, john, dad (dad's entry is the classic "this week is my turn to keep the family journal.. i'll try to be dilligent in my duty" and that's his last entry). i'm really really glad we did it, even though we didn't keep it up very well. it's still a treasure. anways back to the hair sarah gave me a trim, freshened up the layers, using the kimmie technique, and then we went to bed and listened to the rankin family cd for old time sakes. the very same cd i used to put the twins to bed with. it made us quite giddy and not sleepy at all. and we made up a bed dance to "tell my ma, when you go home, the boys won't leave the girls alone, they pullled my hair and they stole my comb, but that's allright 'till i come home..." and i woke up to gillis mountain in my head. but sarah still had the courtin' song in hers and we sang it over and over in childish voices while she styled my hair before work. she came with me to work in her jammies and then drove my car back home. everyone at work saw her in jammies. everyone. jyammies.
3.) whole foods. sarah picked me up from work and came in and met lisa and dave d. and some others. frank, a japanese man who is always frusterated with the amount of japanese i don't understand just happened to be there, and tested her out with a few sentences. dave d. asked her if i was the youngest. "um, i'm older than her" i objected. "oh really?" he sounded surprised. "dave, i'm 9 years older than her!" he blamed it all on his current cough medicine addiction, but it's really just the way he is. after leaving work we drove to west van. sarah put on shania twain and we sang along as we are wont, trying out different twangy accents and rough curdling voices, or just belting it out at the top of our lungs. this is a fun game because we always enjoy it when the other person does a good twang, for example, particularily well, and not only do we get a good laugh, but it insipres us to further inspirations. sometimes we were almost yodeling or singing kind of like a dog would howl, or like the voice of the sheriff of nottingham on the disney animated movie. good times. so we made it to whole foods in west van, and got ourselves some smoked salmon nuggets. i told sarah that you could get taste tests, so we went over and waited for the fish guy who was helping another lady to come over. meanwhile some jo who was eating some kind of flaky pastry, with flakes flying about with each vigourous bite, and floating in the air around him, came up beside me and told me "they give samples you know." "ya i know" i said. "that's what we're waiting for." he told us very enthusiastically that the maple salmon nuggets were the best. "they're kind of sweet." he said. "they're made with maple syrup." i could have made a dry remark here, but refrained, chosing only to make those in my intimate circle feel stupid when they say obvious things. he kept leaning into me and talking about the salmon. even after we got our samples he asked me if i was eating the maple one right then. sarah and decided to put some distance between us and the maple pusher, got some nuggets and proceeded to the deli. here we had some difficult choices, but we finally settled on a portabello mozerella pannini (soo good. there's something about eating a pannini that gives you pleasure every time.) and two slices of the four cheese pizza, baked there in the stone oven thin crust. (also quite good) we each bought a hunk of hazelnut chocolate, this time no kidding about it being for some vague future fondue, got a table outside and ate our goods. after our chow down we had a little time for shopping around the cool little shops around there. unfortunately we reeked like smoked salmon, so we felt a little out of place at the upscale beuty shop where a body polish tub cost 80 dollars and the sales lady, obviously on commission, followed us around telling us about everything we showed interest in. it made me very aware of my salmon aroma.

at horseshoe bay sarah leaned through the window of the car before she headed off, and cut an offending curl, so dubbed the heavy curl (fatima would say "he aint heavy, he's my brother" brutha from another mutha, sister-girlfriend). and then she was gone and i went back home. and now the house is all asleep. i really like my hair. it has new life and bounce and colour. people at work thought my hair looked good today but couldnt' quite tell why. maybe because i got it cut and coloured i offered. ooooohhh yeah, they'd look again. heh heh, to me it's a radical difference, but maybe they don't make a study of my hair like i do. sarah said my hair was the most fine of all the curly sisters. i never thoguht of it that way. when she was doing it this morning she said it was mermaid hair. elicia has said that too. ok well, sarita has loaned me two books and they both arouse an eagerness from deep down inside my reader's heart, so i'm going to go peruse them right now. later.
