well i should be in bed. but i was home early from work today and i had a long nap. one of those naps that make you forget. the kind when you wake up you forget the time of day and where exactly you are, and you feel really hot and a little nautious. that was my experience today. i got home early because one of the members missed his bus to his new job and needed a ride into vancouver. lisa said if i took him i could just go hom after. sounded good to me. so i got home and tried to watch zelary. i've been hankering to see it again for quite a while now, and i finally got it from stephen yesterday. i watched half an hour but just couldn't stay awake. very uncharacteristic. so i didn't want to miss any of it, so i turned it off and went to bed. didn't wake up until after 6. i was lying there in a half awake stupor when karey came and asked if i was coming to nikki's birthday dinner. i got up and stumbled into the bathroom, peed and then sat in the living room waiting for karey. we were the only ones home and i heard karey somewhere in the house say in exasperation that she couldn't find the cat. the said cat is not alowed out after dark and especially has to be inside when no one is home. so i got up and took a look outside for naughtyrothco. while doing so i noticed that our roses are out. this made me happy. i finally found rothco in the back and was trying to him pick up when he squirmed away and all i got was his dumb elastic collar. he ran around the side of the house which is closed in by a gate and i thought 'heh heh, i've got him cornered.' well i had my hands on his body and again he got away over the fence, narrowly escaping getting impaled by the top of the fence. karey was in the front. "why'd you take his collar off??" duh, because i'm a dummy a real dummy. rothco evaded us and escaped to the neighbour's back yard where he sat down and looked at us. finally i had the bright idea of taunting him with tuna. i ran into the basement and looked in heather and sarita's fridge. sure enough there were two cans sitting in the fridge, both empty except for some dried flakes. i grabbed one of them, an took it out side and tapped the tin with the lid. this got our boy's attention. he started slinking over. i went into the house and sat on heather's bed continuing to tap the whole time. soon who was waltzing through the window but badboycat himself. i slammed it shut and karey shut the back door and he looked up at me all expectantly, like "ok i'm here, where's my food?" too bad buddyboy. it's empty. ha ha. well i would have given him some, but it was empty and i don't know about his feeding schedule or where heather keeps his food. so we locked him in the house to sulk and went out.

nikki's birthday dinner was at a place in yale town. station 31 or 3 or something like that. it was a nice place, i liked it. however there was a huge picture of a naked woman from the breasts to the belly button on the wall behind us. there's even a naked woman on the matches. what's the point? i had shrimp dumplings and smoked chicken piza with goat cheese. very good. the shrimp dumplings are like the dim sum kind, but not quite as good, and much more expensive. it made me miss the dim sum dates mia and i always had. ( i haven't talked to mia or seen her in a long long time. like maybe a year. i wonder how she is. i wonder if she's still with that guy who's not good for her. i tried phoning her once, left a message. didn't hear anything back. ) anyways randy was the only guy there. just one of the girls. it was a nice dinner. lots of people to talk to. they had yam fries there, and i heard that yam fries are really good, and now i know it for myself. karey said they were really yammy. that reminds me of teruyuki. that's how he's spell yummy. after we decided to go to casa gelatos. i got gulab, which surprisingly tasted like rose water with a little extra somethin' and hedgehog. everyone hated my gulab, but i liked it. one of the workers there, was totally favouring the asian custamers. he would walk along behind the counter with them and try to sell the typical asian favourites and give them big big scoops as tasters, and then give the cold shoulder when we asked for tasters. when i asked him for a taste of gulab, he shrugged his shoulders at me and said "does it taste good?" "um... i don't know. i want to taste it." i said. he gave me a disgusted look, a taste and walked away. i guess he did not approve of gulab flavour gelato. being there inspired me to start making icecream in my maker again. maybe i will. karey bought a deep fryer on the weekend, so we're gong to make yam fries. yay.

i watched zelary when we got home. i love that movie. so satisfying. so beautiful.
