watermelon of my own

yesterday's lovely discovery: our heat works again. had just finished blog writing down here in the frigid basement, and upon entering the bathroom upstairs, felt the most wonderous thing. heat! it turns out that mark lit our pilot light on sunday. what a good boy. heather and sarita depend on mark for many things. for pilot light lighting, computer set-up, and stereo sound hook up for example.

steve surprised me yesterday and agreed to try dim sum. however it wasn't the best dim sum experience. it was late in the afternoon and there was only one other occupied table in the place, so the trolley ladies were not coming around with their wares. we had to order the specific dim sum things we wanted. and it's hard to know off of the menu. anyways i chose a few classics. it wasn't steve's favourite meal, but i was just glad he tried it and didn't really complain. that was nice. after the dim sum we walked back to down to tinsel town where we parked and bought two tickets for Downfall. it's a movie about hitler's last days and i've been wanting to see it for a while, ever since steve told me about it and how good it was. well yesterday was not to be the day. something was up with the projector, it made the movie too dark and that was just not up to stephen's standards, so we left and got tickets for millions instead. that was the other movie i wanted to see there. it was cute and quite funny at parts. mormon missionaries show up in the peripheral of the story and the take on them is quite funny. made me laugh out loud often.

we ditched grocery shopping and talked. i promised it would only take 20 minutes because that is one of the things you are 'supposed' to do with guys. give them a specific time frame so they know you won't be talking and talking forever and ever which apparently, and i think this might be true, is one of their fears. well it turned out that i made a pie crust promise, but that was partly his fault. still gotta work on the promise keep the promise thing. otherwise it's not so effective. that's what 'they' say anyways. i mean 'they' obviously know what they're talking about. anyways it was a difficult topic and a difficult partial conclusion and it left me feeling sad. i came home and talked to my roomies and cried a little bit, ate some watermelon, talked to fatsie and went to bed. i think i'm heading into some rough water. i think i'm going to face a hard period of my life.

this morning selina showed up at 6:10 to join us for our morning run. it was so beautiful out. we hadn't run for two weeks. it was a hard run, but heather's shins were ok, and that was a posative note. heather told me that mr. executive secretary left a message for her last night. she's caught in the interview web as well. ha ha ha. our interviews are tonight. i'm nervous.

work is good because you can be chipper for the peeps there no matter how you're feeling. that's one think (by think, i mean thing but with a russian accent it comes out like think) i like about work. tomorrow i work late. i get to take people out for fish and chips. good times. fatima's cousin would be jealous jeans.

i mowed the lawn again today.

pete's over and he's watching a movie with karey. i saw his shoes when i came in and i had a feeling it was him. and it was.

wish i had some watermelon of my own.
