i just noticed that ellen, who i've always thought is beautiful, has some saggy neck wrinkles. she's aging along the same lines as harrison ford.

last night i read some interesting tips about men in my oprah magazine. one made me laugh out loud alone in my room in our quiet house at around 2:30 in the morning. after the oprah mag was thouroughly flipped through i went to sleep and had dreams about gagging and throwing up. luckily i didn't wake up in pools of barfi if you know what i mean. when i talked to lisa this morning she seemed quite stressed out about me not being there, she didn't take it out on me, i could just tell she was in panic mode. i felt bad and then went back to sleep. then she phoned me around 10:30 and woke me up. she sounded much more relaxed and it turned out that the dishpit job doesn't start until 3 weeks! whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. that's a new development. our poor member apparently came all spruced up with his beard shaved and everything. nobody thought to tell him or me. oh well. i wonder what he looks like without a beard... AND the interviews don't start until tomorrow. so that's good too. i felt a lot better after getting off the phone the second time. and now i'm home alone with nothin to do. and i don't think they taped survivor for me. sad face.
