Bobcat pretzle (not the pizza kind) Part II

Currently, Laura is sitting on my bed, hot blowing her hair. She likes to use the hot blower functionality as well as the high speed blowing feature. I think she likes the power of my dryer. She after all is quite hungry in the power arena. She says she doesn't but I know butter. Yes, BUTTER. As in Butter Chicken that will be consumed by us as soon as Laura is done finger curling her hair pieces.

Laura made it to my place a little before 6 oh clock. I had cleaned up my room which consisted of putting away the pile of school books on the floor and folding and putting away of clothing items so Laura would not comment on the mountain of clothes on my chair. Upon arrival at my place (which is currently under construction and surrounded by scaffolding and blue netting), Laura and I had a little chat about the day and she declared that she had a few sooprises for me. I was intrigued and did my usual, "Give me a hint" where she did her usual, "No, I'm not giving you hints b/c then it won't be a sooprise." Then she proceeded to confuse me further by saying that she it might be things I would not like but I might like the idea of them??? Uhhhh? Does. Not. Compute. She had them in her overnight suitcase which was still in the car so I would not see them until after our date was over.

We proceeded to the theatre where we were to watch Bride and Prejudice. Laura got a snack consisting of popcorn and reces pieces (the candy coated kind bits kind) and the guy at the counter was so overenthusiastic about serving customers it that it was infectious (this is a bold faced lie and meant to be ironic; the guy was a bit blah). We enjoyed the movie and we also enjoyed the variety of outfits worn by the females. Lots to see and talk about when it comes to Indian attire. Currently Laura is checking herself out in my mirror while wearing her bag (which has a really long strap that is half my height. When I wear it, it the bag hangs below my knees). Now Laura says I have to finish because now we are going to leave.
This is part two.
