yellow crustie crispies

lip update: it's getting better. whenever it's getting better, it looks the worst. no more tingling painful infestation feeling. the pus is all dried up into yellow crustaceans on my lip. yellow crustaceans outlined in red. looks spiffy. luckily i took care not to pop any of the fish eggs because that would have caused bleeding which would have added the dried blood black to the colour spectrum. and there you have it.

i'm listening to dr. phil. he has the premarital bootcamp people on and it's pretty entertaining, i must say. they're playing the soon to be newly weds game. the question for the women was "what is your fiance's most annoying habit?" one girl said "he's going to hate me for saying this but he flicks boogers at me." when he came out and was asked the same question he ducked his head and covered it with his hand and said all sheepishly "um, i fart?" ha ha. they're a cute couple.

i feel better today. sleep does wonders. so does a weekend stretched out before you. it's my early day today and when elicia gets home from work me karey and her are going to seattle. we're staying in a one and a half star hotel and we're going to time out for women. takin a time out. time out for me.
