thanks to steve's mom, we don't leave our blow dryer plugged in

i've discovered why the cat jumps up into the sink in the bathroom and turns eagerly and yes expectantly even, towards me. he likes to drink from the tap. i discovered this by heather telling me yesterday morning. mystery solved, and through no merit of my own. typical.

i've been sick, and miserably so. but today i felt much better. it's been a pretty good day. i actually didn't wake up until after nine, and that was from a dream where the whole branch was waiting in the chapel to be interviewed by president yates about our home and visiting teaching. in the living room i found karey, edith and nikki watching the italian job, so naturally i joined them. nikki and edith gathered their sleep over itemology and left after it was over. karey and i, on the other hand did not budge. we watched every extra avaliable on the dvd because that is what the occasion called for and we complied.

on the way to the olive garden we sang to laura likes to rock cd at the top of our lungs. especially to the bon jovi, of course. it agrees with loudness. edith, nikki, matt and his friend pat followed behind. karey called to invite wyatt on the way past his house, but funnily enough, he wasn't ready. later, on the freeway in surrey, we learned he was in the shower. anyways, the olive garden was fun. and good. naturally there were some dramatics from both nikki and edith, but that is to be expected. and karey found a pair of ten dollar cords at a near by smart set, which became the subject of an idea for next year's academy awards. it got quite elaborate and involved a close up of her thighs in slow-motion with the swoosh swoosh sound they make.

on the way back we stopped at ikea, discussed future drapery options and became very tired. never the less i wanted to show karey a duvet cover i saw that i liked at a shop on main, so i did and she liked it enough that i was encouraged and bought it and then we went home and collapsed in comfy positions in the living room. karey wanted to get a video tonight, and i agreed because aparently my life is a series of video viewings. luckily we were saved the trip to blockbuster by karey happening upon Mad About Hugh on women's network. a stroke of good luck indeed. and so we watched bridget jones' diary, and then two weeks notice. rhea called to invite us to dinner tomorrow right in the middle of a good part of bridget jones' diary and so i passed her off to karey who was doing the dishes. i think that was more comfortable for her anyways. karey agreed to bring the dessert, so we rushed to safeway so as to miss as little as two week's notice as possible. i don't know why karey cared, she predictably fell asleep anyways, but we got our easter cake and that's all that matters i guess. while we were there we passed the easter candy which is 50% off right now, and i told karey that i had been thinking of hiding some candy for her, so we picked some out and when we were going through the checkout i was trying to read the article in people about the lady who talked her way out of the hostage situation, and so i wasn't thinking when karey said "am i paying for this?" "yes." i answered. then i looked up and we laughed. really special laura. get karey to pick out her own candy and then pay for it. wow, wonderful that you'll hide it. not one of my best moments. i would have happily payed for it, but i didn't want to be bothered while reading. that is the problem. and i would have liked it to have been a surprise, but i didn't make it in time. so there you have it, another failing to add to the list.

karey once called nikki "nose-picker-nikker" and we quite enjoyed it. she for some reason did not. anyways sometime last night or this morning she refered to the unsavory nickname but said it "nicker picker nikker". another enjoyable combination, but more about wedgies than nose contents.

i hung my clothes on the line the other day and they have that wonderful outside fresh smell that nothing else can simulate. lovely, as leif was wont to say.

i bought a tea pot. just had to. it's green and i like it.

and now my eyes are too squinty and weary to continue any longer.

my fair lady is on right now.
