leprocy of the lip

pretty soon i'll be sent to the leprocy colony. where big chunks of my lip will decay and fall off my face.

feel weird today. i don't know what it is. probably a combo of many things. i feel a little frustrated at work. i had visions of improvement and change that could be done and i admit i was excited about the goals we set and the steps to acheive them. but it seems like no one cares. it seems like i went to salt lake for nothing. i need some kind of enthusiasm or an ally or all it is, is an exersize in frustration and disillusionment. ok venting done.

i'm also really tired these days. it may have something to do with my asthma which has been acting up for a couple of weeks. i'm putting off going to the doctor because i hate to be on the puffer and maybe it will just go away on its own. it just gives me a general feeling of unwellness. i'd be really grateful to just feel healthy again.

i slept for almost two hours today, i was so tired. woke up fifteen minutes before survivor. i'm so glad tomorrow's my early day. i've been waiting for it all week. today i made jambalaya at work. it was my first time and it was really good. ya, jambalaya. think i'll make that at home sometime if i ever really cook again. today i was on dishes over lunch which is strenuous and does a number on your hands and nails, but on top of that i peeled over half of 40 potatoes for tomorrow's meal right after. potatoes are killers on your hands and nails. have i mentioned the flying ants? we have flying ants. huge ones. they fly around the lights and then dive bomb you. big and stupid and easy to kill, with a big crunch under your shoe (i must have the guts of at least 10 on under my right shoe), but sooooooooooo gross and they land ON you, which is my big issue. one landed on my sleeve while i was drinking from my water bottle and i screamed and threw the water bottle, spilling water everywere. that's the worst. bugs touching you. another horrifying aspect was innocently doing the laundry and looking up to one of the beasties hulking there on the machine all of a sudden out of nowhere, or walking by and seeing one right at eye-level on the wall, only centimetres away. i let out a lot of surprised yelps today, and i was always itchy and creeped out.

basically i feel grouchy at the moment, which is apparent by my negitivity and complaining attitude in this entry. i need to get my laundry and go to sleep. ...i'm kind of scared to go get it though. our laundry room is outside. oh well, coooooooourage take, for goodness sake, when the goblins try to get you and you shiver and sha-ha-ke, just climb under the covers, call for your brother...
