i don't know what it was about our run this morning, but it was killer. KILLER. let me explain--it was murderous/ homicidal. ie. death. i'm still recovering. the backs of my thighs are rubber. (i'm rubber and you're glue....) this feeling extends to the wide flat pillow that i call my bum. (it's one of those pillows you have to fold in half so as to feel like you have a pillow at all) heather endured it better than me, i could barely drag myself along, while she was up ahead, but now she says her whole body hurts. that's small consolation, afterall was she exhaling so hard she could extinguish a whole cake of candles from 10 feet away? no, no she wasn't. after it was all over i felt a little dizzy and like my whole body was a limp noodle. this made going down the stairs difficult and even dangerous. when i got to work i was in the i-have-no-body-heat stage and it didn't help that the big gynormous fan we call 'the blower' was on, and the heat wasn't. i ate two hot pancakes with only some melty butter on them, and a good bengal spice tea to warm up my insides and it wasn't long before my nose was the same temperature as the rest of my body and my finger tips lost that lovely blue colour. i drank tons of water all day, but at four oh clock when i was going home i had a dehydration headache. still do a little bit. had all these plans for when i got home. maybe i'd clean the bathroom or work more on my room, or walk to the mall and bring my camera to blacks to get the film extracted in a dark room. but no. i had a bowl of chocolate frozen dessert sweetened with splenda, lay on the couch and fell asleep during oprah. woke up a little while ago with the return of the coldnose. the thing is, i didn't get enough sleep last night and maybe that hurt my stamina level, so i'm going to be very vigilent about sleep the night before running days from now on. also i need to start having more vegetables. that might help too.

i'm so excited for the weekend of twin, and all the joys that will accompany it.

time for food to come home to my belly. see ya.
