head forecast

i've got cloudy head syndrome. got thick pea soup brains and an itchy eye.

i'm down in the chill basement. upstairs = friendly, downstairs = UNfriendly. got the sun moon and stars mini comforter around my shoulders. when i went upstairs to get it after experiencing the frigid atmosphere down here, the morning cartoon group, (karey, heather and sarita) surveyed me. "going downstairs to go on the computer?" asked karey. she said computer with a little smirk. like watching cartoons is a much nobler pursuit. "ya," i said. "i'm gonna write in my journal." "put on socks, it'll help." suggested heather. "don't want socks" i grumbled in my thoughts as i stumbled down the stairs, "i want a warm house." it's just that the heat is so obviously not on down here at all, and it bugs me. what there's no heat for the bottom half of the house? no one but me seems to care. ah well the three degrees of glory blanket is a comfort in this time of trial. my arms are warm and my nose isn't cold. a cold nose is UNpleasant. chilly toes, i can handle.

i was enhungered and i ate a banana, but what i really wanted was a pannekok from de dutch pannekok house. the spelling of pannekok could be totally off but i really couldn't care less. karey got up early today and watched the smurfs. they're on again. i woke up at eight and joined her. by then we were watching that show about wild animals. there were some cute baby bonabu's or whatever saved and a mountain lion successfully tranquilized and collared. then karey gave me the remote and turned to face the wall and snooze as she is want to do. i found touched by an angel, and because it was about a woman who used to be a call girl but got away from it all, went to school, got married and was now being blackmailed because her husband was going into politics, i got hooked. i mean wouldn't you? it was a pretty good one. sarita and heather came in mid show and made comments in irish accents. sarita said the main girl was from fame. fame! i wanna live forever, i wanna learn how to fly! high!... there's no way to say the name of that show and not sing the first line of the song. impossible. anyways the moral of the story is that love overcomes fear. it's a concept i've thought quite a lot about ever since coming across such scriptures as 2 Timothy 1:7 " For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." and 1 John 4:18 " There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out all fear..." hey, speaking of scriptures, i left mine somewhere. i haven't been able to find them since coming home from nanaimo. could have left them at the church in nanaimo, or at mom's and dad's in the room i stayed in. sure would be swell if 'someone' would rescue them for me, so that what once was lost could now be found if you catch my drift. so since my regular course of study (2Nephi) has been temporarily suspended, i've decided to start reading and studying job. i've had some convos about it lately and i want to read it and study it for myself. and so i've begun.

karey's making me go with her to costco today to get food for the acadamy awards which are this thursday. first she's getting her oil changed and she said something about me getting ready so i'd be ready to go with her and i grumpily replied "i'm not going." as i am want to do, even when i do end up going in the end. sometimes i just feel like being persuaded. "you have to!" she whined. this is what i expected. then she said in a quieter mumble "i might need your money." the truth of the matter revealed.

last night i was immature and snotty. it's true. it always surprises me when i act that way, like i always expect that i would have outgrown my petty and unkind ways, but they are always there lurking under the surface. suddenly i'm right back to being the combatitive middle child. this is how it happened: karey and i were both out of gas yesterday and elicia was near empty but not quite, so she was chosen by default to be the driver to the relief society birthday/ sound of music sing a long night at the kennedy's house in burnaby. karey and i kind of have an unspoken rule not to ask elicia to be the driver most of the time. there are reasons for this. some of them are: a) she stresses out about driving and we don't mind driving, so it's a natural decision. b) she's happy to have one of us drive. and c) her driving can be on the absent minded scary at times (not all the time.) so anyways we were leaving the party last night after having a pretty good time and elicia unlocked the passenger door for karey and she went to unlock the back door for me, when she looked at me with wide eyes and said "it's not locked!" in a mock horror, kind of tch tch laura way. ok, well i can take that. "oh i must have forgot" i said ruefully. and anyone who drives much with me will know that i tend to err on the overlocking of doors. like locking myself out, and locking the doors when i'm running to get something and someone else is still in the car. i just do it as an automatice response, so i was baffled that i didnt' lock her door. well elcia's response was real horror. "laura!" she said like i personally meant to do it. "please be more careful next time." she said in her teacher, motherish voice. it was this that rubbed me the wrong way. without thinking i snapped one of my quick replies back "ya, well you've done it in my car lots of times." (which she has. i always have to watch because of her absent mindedness. but i don't say anything. i just watch and lock if she doesn't. so i suppose i felt a sense of injustice, but who really cares? i should have just let it go.) "ya, but my car's been broken into." said elicia. of course this makes no sense to me and annoys me even more even though my nicer self knows that she means she worries more because her car was broken into. yet my mean self answers something like "that doesn't mean that mine wouldn't." this is when karey stepped in and said "it doesn't matter! everything is fine and nothing happened so just drop it." i was stifled, but elicia said under her breath "i just asked you to be more careful." after a couple of minutes i regreted the whole thing. i should have just said i'm sorry and left it at that.

the sound of music party went allright. me and karey and nikki were the loud irreverent powerhouses that we were supposed to be. we had some good laughs. like the joke we made up about gretle's brother hansel. (nikki asked how the first mrs. von trap died and i said birthing hansel. and she really liked that, and then when the kids were singing the farewell song, nikki did a cuckoo action with her whole upper torso that made me and karey laugh and laugh and so it was adopted into the repetoire. others like chandra (the only other besides me and karey and elicia that came in her pjs) and elica at times, and rachel and amanda and sometimes surprisingly, kimmie, got rowdy as well. rachel of course, knew the whole movie off by heart, like our family.

karey's nagging me so i gotta go. but i have more to say. i really do.
