a time for orchids.

i hate to keep harping on the orchid, but orchid is the symbol of renewal, fresh starts etc in my life. and gladys said yes. we're in. a time for orchids. we met with gar and gladys today but they were showing others just before us and said that two other families are interested bla bla bla. gladys had us each give her all our information. we lined up single file waiting for our turn with gladys at the counter. she took our work phone numbers, the names of our bosses, phone numbers for our landlords and our social insurance numbers so she could do a credit check on each of us. she said she'd tell us on monday. so we came home, karey and i decided to go get boxes, some lady backed into me in the parking lot of kin's despite my honking followed by a scream, came home phoned dad, phoned icbc, went to pick steve up and it was there that i got the call from karey that we got the place. she said sarita found out that you're not allowed to do credit checks like that and she told gladys and gladys said she talked to our landlords and she had a good feeling about us and we could have the place! we're meeting at sarita's to sign the papers tomorrow morning!

kareyandi shopped ikea for a computer desk today. i found one that was something like what i wanted and not too expensive, but of course when we finally found it in the wharehouse, only one birch one was left and i wanted oak. that's the way things are with me and ikea. if i finally know what i want in some area, i can't get it. it's a rule ikea has for only me. very mature.

maybe dad will make me another book shelf.

in other news i saw hotel rwanda. i just got back. movies like that make you feel ashamed, indignant, spoiled, sorrowful and helpless. the power of evil is great and horrible, and humanity's capacity to do wickedly is frightening. what i try not to forget is that the opposite is true as well. there is great power for good in the world and we can do great things with love and truth and respect and honour. i believe that.
