props to bethatintintin

i've had an interesting day. there must be something in the air at the clubhouse. lisa says i'm fresh meat... this one member who is very shy and has never said one word to me, surprised me this morning by coming right up to me while i was chopping raw chicken for the quesadillas. he stood there smiling at me until i turned and looked up wondering what was coming. he asked me to a heavy metal concert. it wasn't what i was expecting at all and i felt unprepared. i didn't even know what he was talking about when he said the name of the band. i asked him if it was ok if i got back to him. fifteen minutes later he was back at my side. i kindly refused. he was ready with another offer to go to a heavy metal record store. again i refused and i told him i was moving. a little later he was back with another offer for friday night. i was eating lunch when he was back again, asking about dinner friday night. this was getting harder for me to reject kindly, just by sheer numbers. i finallly said what i should have said the first time. and that ended it. but i felt bad. he had that look in his eye, the look when you're vulnerable.

i felt exhausted today. exhausted, tight asthma chested, groggy headed, and crampy. i got home, turned on oprah and fell promptly asleep. don't even know what op was about. woke up reluctantly during the news, and dragged myself off the couch, not because i had enough sleep, but because the call for food was stronger. made some some chicken and fries. packed some dishes and watched girl with a pearl earring. beautiful and tense.

i'm supposed to give a talk on sunday and i don't see how. i should really sleep.
