orange testimonial:
sometimes when i eat an orange it's like i'm discovering it for the first time. today was one of those days. juicy, fragrant, flavour orange of joy. this orange was from a pre-bagged bag of oranges. i usually balk at buying the bags of oranges but this time my intuition led me down a different path--the bagged orange path, and every orange so far has been a delight. no dried up nightmarish oranges in the bunch and for that i am grateful.

whew i've had some busy days. take yesterday for example. yesterday after long last, was our time to give our presentation of our action plan to the clubhouse. it's a big deal ok. so we did that and it went allright. one member kept putting up her hand to ask totally unrelated questions, like "i'd just like to know why can't we have permanent lockers?" :) but that kind of thing is to be expected. right after work i followed lisa home and we washed our cars inside and out. she's a good influence because she washes her car once a week and she has all the supplies. she was surprised at how long i was with the vaccuum, but she wouldn't have been if she saw the inside before i started. yikes. now i have a happy car. a car with a clean, clear windshield, and no dust coating on the dashboard, to name a few improvements. the only things is, i think i forgot the back window. as i drove away i noticed it was less clear. oh well. there's also a big dent, but that'll be fixed soon. (cross yer fingers) i met lisa's cat maxine. i've never heard such a talker. she was very suspicious of me. (and with good reason. ha!) right after our cleaning extraveganza, i drove to ruth's to babysit the twins. ruth and i had a good talk before she left and again after she came home. i told her all about our new place and my moving in preprariations, and she said "so, you're nesting.". oddly accurate. the twins are big two year olds now, running around pel mel talking up a storm the whole time. especially angus. i put them to bed around eight, dimmed the lights way down low, turned the cd player on, etc. karelia snuggled right down with a contented sigh, and i gave angus his special blankie and covered him up, he seemed quite chipper, but he lay down. a little while later when i was making myself some bread and jam, i heard angus start to cry. "my foot stuck!" he wailed but on inspection it really wasn't. he then said "play twinkle twinkle little star? play twinkle twinkle little star?" over and over, pointing at the cd player. "ok angus, i'll look for it" i said. as soon my back was turned he started his new campaign "angus need different dumptruck, angus need different dumptruck, angus need different dumptruck..." repeat repeat repeat. i finally found twinkle twinkle little star to be located on track 14 and looked around for a dump truck. "is it this one?" i asked bringing it to him. angus looked at it and said "angus need different dump truck." "ok kid you're coming with me." i said and picked him up, carrying him into the living room amidst the different dump truck chorus the whole time. every truck i picked up was not the truck to stop the chorus. i even put angus down and had him look too, but he spent most of his time looking at the tv. finally i suggested a truck that got the response "angus need old dump truck." "that's the one you're taking." i said firmly, and scooped him up. "karelia needs doll?" he questioned, suddenly playing the concerned brother. i looked over at her crib. no baby could be snuggled in so contently. "karelia's fine angus. time to go to sleep." he settled in after that. except one time, just before ten he woke up crying, but he was barely awake and i picked him up, held him for a while and laid him back down. i told ruth about his stalling techniques when she got home. we laughed about it and she said that sometimes she'll hear his little voice calling "angus needs a backhoe diggah!" and she'll bring him a truck and he'll say "that's a back woadah" (back loader), angus need a back hoe diggah." or he'll be talking away and she'll say "now angus no more talking, karelia is trying to sleep." and she'll come back in to quiet him down a little while later and he'll say "angus singing." already catching her on all sorts of technicalities. ruth lent me two more vinyl cafe cds.

on wednesday after work i went looking down maine for used furniture, and i found shabby chic and paul the little friendly russian owner of shabby chic. he helped me find my dresser and pointed out all it's good points. "before staples were invented!.... before plywood was invented!.... original handles!.........looks like new!" he was enthusiastic about all his stuff. i liked him a lot and he had a lot of interesting things there. things that might bring me back. paul put two stools on the road to save me a parking spot in front of his store and directed me in. we couldn't fit the dresser in my car, so he said he'd deliver it for free as soon as he closed the shop. so i waited for him at the new place, sitting outside on our swing. later karey and i went to canadian tire and we found a pretty good armoire for only 130, and karey put it on her canadian tire card and so payed me back most of the damage deposit. so i'm in the kitchen bedroom. it's all mine. i just have to find window coverings that i like. and a computer desk. so then i packed two boxes of books while we watched gilmore girls (emily really did it this time). it bugged karey that i matched all the books in size before i packed them, but i enjoyed doing it for some reason. well, it's almost 11:30, time to get out of the jammies, eh.
