the olden days...

i love/am in love with my new cd. i was listening to it on the way home. the sun was shinning and the world was fresh after the rain and one cd ended, so i reached into my purse and unwrapped my new purchase and popped it in. i think it's rich music. the richness enfolded me. i didn't want to get out of the car, i wanted to sit lost in the intensity, but in the end i broke away. had to. i was home and one cannot sit in one's car in front of one's home for an extended period of time. one must go in and put one's hair up because it turned yucky sometime during the day, was it the bacon or the rain? maybe both, and change into comfortable black track pants, eat some cold pizza and write in one's journal. that is what one must do.

back to the music. it takes me back to august and the beginning stages of steve and i. we were newly "steve and i", a couple, and i was confused at the time about the new couplehood boundries. that could be because they were ambivilent and shifty, but i digress. i remember being grumpy on the way to the temple because 1.) steve had strung me along and ultimately stood me up the night before and 2.) sara burnham had called that morning with needs of her own. she didn't feel like going to the states to get her own car, so could steve drive it back for her. it really really really irked me, although now looking back i don't see why i was so over the top irked, except that i was already on the edge from the night before, and i was looking forward to time with steve on the trip, talking, debating things, listening to his music, etc. so on the way down i was having a hard time letting go of my irkedness, i asked steve to read me something from the scriptures, and so he gave a discourse on something in Hosea i believe. i was warming up by the time we got to the temple, and he had just begun to show me some of the music he had brought and i think he thought i was still touchy because he kept apologizing and saying "i know, we should go in..." but i was happy to sit there for a while and listen. i loved this cd as soon as i heard it. when we finally got out of the car (funny i even remember where we parked. it was in the back against the little forest by the stake centre) and i think i said something argumentitive or ornery and he didn't really reply but kind of bent and peered down at me, and said "your eyes sure are blue." like it was some kind of discovery. it surprised me, and i wanted to say "it's only because i'm wearing pink." but i didn't. i stopped fretting about the sara car thing and let it go and had a good temple time. on the way home steve left all his cds with me because sara's car only had a radio. i listened to them as i drove, playing them loud so the sound surrounded me and i was happy. it was raining hard and steve was following behind. he made me smile because he would move back into the right lane before me and i knew he disapproved of how long i was staying in the left lane and i knew i would hear about it later. and i did. his fuddyduddyness always amuses me. at one point we were trying to find a place to eat, and i just couldn't find it, so i stopped at this gas station, because the exit sign said there was fastfood there, but all i could find were long lonely forrested roads. steve had to pee real bad. :) the guy said the bathroom was outside and to the right. and zip steve was gone. i followed behind just in time to hear the door bang shut on a port-a-potty that was entitled "honey pot" i started laughing as soon as i saw it and steve came right out all indignant and refusing to use it. that night all the roomies were out of town and we pulled the couch right over in front of the tv and ate nectatines and grapes and that was the night i saw mission. it was a good night. and that was that. i feel a lot older now.
