the long day is over...

so we're all moved in. that is, all of our stuff is in our new house. and the truth is, it's horrible. we have mountains of stuff wall to wall in every room. we just have these little paths for one way traffic. the living room is my least favourite. it looks so much like a dump heap that i can't bear to be in it for very long. it was the place that people just started dumping all the stuff, all the last minute odds and ends at the end of the day when we were too exhausted to care any more and when there was no free space anywhere anyways, so why not? it was a long long long day yesterday. actually the longness started friday. i was so wiped after work. all i wanted to do was rest my weary head. every limb had lost it's strength. but i couldn't. i lay down for like ten minutes and then i was packing and throwing away and packing all night until one in the morning. there was sooooo much dust! i felt miserable and ill and i felt that way times two the next morning at seven thrirty when i woke up and started carrying things to my car. the really really really miserable feeling seemed to burn off, kind of like fog in the morning as the day went on though. karey's dad and his girlfriend showed up with some high capacity vehicles and a trailer at around nine thirty. that was our only help 0b1 kanobe. but we managed allright. we got all our stuff to the new house in two hours and two loads. then a load to the dump and we went back to the new house and chilled with randy and mark who were helping heather and sarita move their stuff along with scott who was out with sarita at the time. we ordered pizza for everyone and sat around on the non cushioned couch and ever friendly orange chair. at this time all my energy was once again sapped and all i wanted to do was melt into the orange chair and become one with it for a couple of hours. actually i wanted my bed to be set up and to be lost in the blissful oblivion called sleep. but it was a no go. we had to go back to our dizgusting dusty moldy place and clean. luckily for me i was able to burn off the exhaustion while i was working, and selina showed up to help us clean and we had a good talk. she was full of boundless energy and pep. we were all zombies. back at the new homestead, selina helped me set up my bed and move everything around until the bed and the hope chest and the wardrobe all had a spot. this involved moving the same big pile of boxes around three differnt times so they wouldn't be in the path of whatever we were moving at the time. once my bed was in place and made i felt a lot better. it was 12 before i had any more time to work on my talk. i struggled for an hour but finally gave into sleep. blessed blessed sleep. the alarm clock this morning was not my friend. i struggled and struggled with my talk like have been doing for a coupld of weeks. i wrestled with it. i broke it down and did an ultra context. i got into a little psychology of the whole thing and then finally when i had 20 minutes before i showered, i knew how to do it. i jotted it down in a frenzy, thought about it the whole time i was getting ready, driving to church and was still trying to fine tune it when it was my turn to talk. i went first because barb said she thought my talk would help her find some clarity. i think she just needed more time to clear her thoughts, and i knew how she felt, but it was too late for me, so i went first. and it went allright. once i was up there i hardly looked at what i had written. i always do that. my tunnel vision kicks in. i did miss a whole point i wanted to make, but i talked long enough, so that was ok i guess. i'm glad i expereinced it, glad it's over. my head has had that groggy demerol feeling all day. i'm going to bed early if i can. no doubt about it.
