lisa liked her orchid, and well she should! she named her oprah, because the name has to start with an o because orchid starts with an o. that's the way she works. after lunch we gorged ourselves on the big flat of white cake i got at safeway yesterday. we kept inviting anyone who we saw to come have some cake so we could get rid of it.

i drove straight from work to e. hastings to the rental guide place today. it took an hour. i met with carlie who gave me some tips about renting when you have a cat (heather does) and gave me a printout of 12 listings that matched our criteria. i felt good doing something productive towards our move. after a 45 minute drive home, i sat down and figured out on the map where all the places were. basically there were 2 that were within the boundries of our desires. :) when karey came home she suggested we go look at them, so after we ate, we did. one looks really good. we phoned the lady while we were sitting in front of it, and basically we're going thursday night to look at it. it seems too good to be true, so i'm not getting my hopes up. it's a really big house with three floors, and a real porch with arches, and on the side of the house i could see a bay window that i assume is a breakfast nook right next to some little stainglass windows which i assume are the kitchen windows. it's close to a graveyard and i like graveyards. good neighbours, for one. i wish tomorrow was thursday. the lady just put out the notice this morning.

i can't believe i have to start packing. i'm going to get rid of my dresser and my computer desk and my glass case thing... but i'm keeping the orange chair. don't care. keeping it.

very happy that chris and john are still in the amazing race. they're my faves. their taxi luck was frustrating.
