i've come to a conclusion: my ring finger is just too fat for the little ring with a little, flat blue diamond shape, not diamond stone, on it. i do therefore, hereby remove this ring once and for all, because frankly it's no good wearing a tight ring. not only is it uncomfy for the said fatterfinger, but it's not an asthetically pleasing sight either to see a finger bulging out and over a small but cute ring. equals cute no longer. shame. maybe it'll fit a twin. now if only i knew some twins...

for work today i made some spaghetti and did some dishes, watched a door, played crazy eights and memory and saw a play at the metro. yes, the metro. it's right by my place and i hadn't the foggiest that it was there. we saw a murder mystery and it was quite enjoyable. had lots of twists. it didn't cost me anything because it was for work, but regular tickets only cost 16 dollars. i'm gonna go again one day. "i'm going to do it ALL! because i'm a woman! a WOMAN!"

before i went to work, i drove by one of the houses advertized for rent. i thought it might be bad because the rent was low, and boy was i right. just by looking on the outside i could see it was a total dive. it was one of those houses with not a single redeeming quality. it had plastic taped over all the widows, and the house was made of junky, flismy looking wood painted yellow and brown and all flaking off. few windows, and what windows there were looked dark. shudder.
