full of myself

just because i took a total of 17 pictures of myself with my cell phone when i was away doesn't mean i'm full of myself does it? i don't think it has to be that way. that's not the only way to look at the picture, if you'll excuse the pun. the fact is, when you're bored it can be fun to see what you look like at certain angles and at certain lights, not to mention different colour settings (such as black and white, sepia, embossed, uv negative..etc). it just so happens when i'm bored i am usually by myself. so i take the pictures of me because i'm avaliable. be avaliable and willing and i'll gladly photograph you. ask anyone.

finally found something in a personality test that fits me. see if you agree:

Creativity, spontaneity and responsiveness are important to you.
You have to call on last minute spurts of energy to finish things on time.
You love to explore the unknown.
You prefer not to be pinned down on most things
You don't like to make definite plans.
You dislike being forced to say yes or no; maybe is more acceptable for you.
You change the subjec in midstream when in conversation with others.
You do your best to make work seem like play.
It's easy to distract you; you often can't remember what you went back to the office or your home to get.
Planning tasks seems like a waste of energy; you just wait to see what needs to be done.
Your lack of planning makes others think you are disorganized, but you know better.
Neatness doesn't really count with you, although you like things orderly...
If work can't be fun, you feel it's probably not worth doing.
You like to keep your options open.

this morning i woke up and did my eight minutes of weight lifting. today it was my chest and back. tomorrow it's something different. it was nice to be back at work. people missed me and that was nice. lisa had flowers (sunny daffodils), lindor chocolates (my favourite) and some gum waiting for me at my desk. she said bruce asked for me almost every day. she said he would say "is today the day she comes back? is it this week?" "no bruce, it's monday." my brucie. i missed him too. but after all that he wasn't even there today! work today seemed like a breeze. maybe because the shopping list was small, and it wasn't the full menu, or maybe because i had a big enough break. i found out today that i get about four weeks of vacation this year. awesome eh? i wanna go somewhere. do something. live a little.

last night we had our moving in together discussion. i was terribly late, but no one seemed to mind except karey. she said i was miss something mean i can't remember, and i replied with a pleasent don't care attitude "and you're miss bitter." :) the meeting went well. i think i can live with those people. i said my piece about having regular meetings for communication. i said we were all good friends now and living together is different than hanging out sometimes and that i wouldn't want our friendships to go sour because of things festering when we could resolve them. i said i didn't want to live in a poisonous atmosphere. and i don't. i won't. they agreed to my proposal. i love open, honest, respectful communication. i can't say how much i love it. i love the understanding that comes from it. even if painful things are communicated, if it's in a respectful way, it's good. like when steve and i broke up, i felt so relieved after we talked openly. it makes you closer, purges poison and misunderstanding, frees you even. anways that's my soapbox address for today. and now i will go do productive things.
