the angry red planet, mars, is bulging out of my epidermis and threatening to erupt. that's all i need. another crater. if acne in your 20s is a disillusionment, then in your 30's there's a total loss of hope, a surrendor to the horror of pimples for the rest of your life.

on the way home from work i followed a white intrepid, license plate "BIG BUD".

went to the dodgeball tournament and played the spectator/whoop-whooper role. i enjoyed watching the different teams. there were some good games and everyone was so into it. by far the best player was jonathon. i seriously think he should get an mvp award or something. he zipped around like a little humming bird. a humming bird with some dodgeballs... he was my favourite to watch.

selina sat with me for a while and i was flashing her some of the team names that had been pulled off the board and getting her to say them in russian or latin. one team was big sean's team and i thought big in russian, which is something like bolshevic, but not that, sounded funny next to sean's name and we laughed and then she told me about this one time she was at Pike's Place market in seattle with some friends and they saw some huge grapes under a sign that said "big a** grapes". She said that her friends pointed out the two ways to understand that phrase and the second meaning left the grapes sounding less appealing. i should say so.
