those were the days

i was cleaning off my desk for christmas, and i found my last journal. it was out because i was going through some of my saved momentos and gluing them in a while ago. ok. it was in the summer, but that's a while ago innit? anyways i was flipping through and i found this entry that brought back some good times so i'm going to share it. after all sharing is caring. and i care. i really do.

January 27/03

Friday karey and I did our laundry. Barb phoned us when we were on our way there and we told her to meet us there, so she did, and we all went to Subway. I felt a pang for Azzim back at our home Subway, but soon got over it when i realized that this Subway had garden pattie subs. We went home and I did the pinto bean-sweet-potato-chilli dishes while karey sewed up the hem to my skirt. Then we went to the mall with Elicia too and I bought some jeans at the Gap for only $30. We did some other shopping and then went home. I wassooo thirsty that i was tempted to stick my face in the fountain and take bug lusty gulps to quench my thirst. Karey and I were making jokes about it and splashing, or more like flicking each other. It got too much for me. I cupped some water in my hand and stuck my tongue in it to taste if it was chlorine. It wasn't. Of course when Karey told Barb and Elicia about it (we had been waiting for them), I got a lecture from Elicia. When we got home I convinced Elicia to let me straighten her hair for the dance, so we went in the bathroom and began. Soon Barb joined us to put on our banana chick pea mask. A couple of minutes later Karey came looking for us ans spished in too. So there we all were in the bathroom as I did Elicia's hair, talking and laughing. Karey would hold the hair dryer for me and Barb woudl hold the wet sections of hair. I don't know why, but we started singing Quartermaster's Store, all taking turns on the verses and doing different parts in the chorus, and laughing. It was so fun. It was a time of women. Elicia's hair looked beautiful at the end, and then we all got ready and left for the dance. Karey and I in her car, singing to Billy Joel, and Barb and Elicia in Elicia's car singing their hearts out to the radio. We stopped at a 7-11 on the way to get slurpees. The dance was ok. It was the kind of dance that has some good songs couched in a lot of lame songs. Nelson was there, which was a surprise. He hung out with us the whole night. He was quite flirty with both Elicia and I, but I think more with Elicia. He was kind of a funny dancer. The next day was the temple trip. It was pretty good....Afterwards we ate at Taco Bell, where Matthew, (the manager), gave us a dollar off our meal after we made a big production of not having enough money, scrounging around for change, and stuff, because Leif was going to pay for mine and his by visa, but they only took cash there. It was funny. When Matthew finally said that was fin i said "Thank you Matthew!" and Karey said "That's why you're the manager." :) When we got home from the temple it was around 7pm and dark and I was tired and it was lightly raining, but I decided that I must go on my run, so I did. Then it started raining much harder and I was completely soaked by the time I got home, but it felt good. It's kind of fun to run in the rain and get soaked. It makes you feel 'hard core'. like you are a 'real' runner. :) Karey and I were falling asleep in front of the tv, so I finally sent us to bed at 10pm and we slept soundly until 6am when Peter knocked on our bedroom window so Karey could drive him to the airport. He's gone to Edmonton to have an interview. Yesterday at church the choir sang For the Beauty of the Earth.. We met early to practice before church, and at first it was a sad, sad business. It didn't sound good at all, but by the end the men were sounding a lot better and when we performed during Branch Conference, it went pretty well. Barb says Leif beamed especially at me when we were coming back down, but for myself, I couldn't see it. She swears by it, however. Branch Conference was really good. I felt the Spirit as we sustained the prophet, apstles and even Sake pres. and branch pres. I love it when we get to sustain. We only had two speakers. Pres. Yates and Pres. Rolfson. They were both really excellent. I think I liked Pres. Yate's the most. I was enthralled. After church we went to Barb's and ate, had a home teaching lesson and watched Single's Ward. I have read my scriptures for Institute.
