sheilah says so

in the spirit of auntie sheila of olathe kansas, i have some things i need to get 'squared away' today. you could call today my squaring away day. SAD. this acronym is not representative about my feelings on going. it just happened that way. i want to go. i'm just reluctant and i don't know why. things will happen while i'm gone and i won't be a part. on the other hand this is a chance to get away from it all and get my life in order. squared away if you will. on one of the weekends we're going to idaho to a little town with natural hotsprings. i'm not really into hot water, and even less into wearing my bathing suit with a bunch of strangers. we're going to brigham city too, and i haven't even seen that movie yet! it's a shame. i always pick that one, but steve says no. we have to watch a traumatizing one instead, he insists.

squaring away list:
1. banking- a. pay student loans
b. cash food allowance cheque
c. change monies into american
2. do laundry
3. buy a lint brush for new coat
4. buy some depilitory action
4.5 get the brows threaded (the third week's gonna be a hairy one)
5. pack bags.
6. shower bacon smell out of hair and limbs.
7, decide on a new year's eve outfit
8. put on said outfit....

i want to have a nap instead. naps are nice.
