maybe something wonderful will happen

yesterday at work, i followed predictable form and spilled bacon grease on my knee. the unpleasant thing was pulling up my pant leg in front of spectators, one leering letch type, only to see a hairy leg. didn't shave on sunday, didn't have time because i put off getting ready for a long time. so anyways, the burn didn't even leave a mark, which was miraculous, but it was the motivation i needed to shave my legs. did so this morning. not that anyone cares, or will benefit. but i'll know and i'll have all the more confidence if ever injured in the lower extremities again.

today i unexpectedly got a free caramel apple cider. they were giving away christmas drinks at starbucks today and caramel apple cider just happens to be considered a christmas drink. i told stephen about it when he met me at the mat. he stood in line and then chickened out feeling like a freeloader-faker.

found out today that i leave for training on new years day. goodie. this means that this will be the first year that i will miss out on the playing in the snow on cypress tradition. no snow tackles from kurt or face washes for karey. no punk snowmen. oh well. maybe i'll get peanuts on the flight.
