forced myself to sleep in today, but i didn't mean to sleep in until now. now is too late. there's a fine line of sleeping in. if you sleep in to eight or nine, that's fine, but once you get to tenish, you're wasting your day off. but what's that to me. i'm the world's biggest time waster. my problem is i'm a time waster with a conscience. i can't just enjoy it. i nag at myself, whether i listen or not. aaaaaaaaanyways, last night randy came over to play games. karey and i taught him and elicia how to play rumoli. it was so funny because rumoli is a pretty easy game, especially if you don't do the poker part, which we don't because we forget how, but it was throwing randal james for a loop. we thought he got it and started playing and he'd say things like "and when do i get to play?" karey was constantly telling him to collect his tokens, play your lowest red, play your lowest black etc. we had quite a few good laughs at his confusion. he was a good sport about it though. he said he was glad he could come over for our amusement. after we quit karey and i were really hungry, not having eaten supper that day. it was after eleven, but we didn't let that stop us. we wanted boneless bbq chicken wings from kfc. we phoned them, but they didn't have those anymore. we finally decided on chinese food. we poured over the yellow pages menus and finally decided on dinner for 3 at some place, which gave us sweet and sour, chop suey and chow mein, with a few deep fried shrimp, egg rolls and fortune cookies thrown in. forty five minutes later elicia went to bed and karey, randy and i were watching a chick flick and eating chinese food. i don't know what induced me to eat so close to midnight, but there we were. when it was time for the blessing, i was supposed to say it but i was being silly and i couldn't stop laughing. i laughed and laughed and laughed. i had no ability to stop. i tears were pouring down my face and i could have started to cry. it's weird the way laughing is so close to crying. anyways it was kind of embarrassing but i think i needed some sort of release. karey tried to pray but she started laughing which started me off again. finally i got control of myself and said it really quickly. the whole time randy was sitting there non-expressional, occasionally eating a deep fried shrimp. he said he already had his 'belly laugh'. now karey and elicia are gone to help rhea set up for her reception today and i'm at home dreading how i have to take pictures. ugh. our place still isn't decorated for christmas. i don't think we've ever been this late.
