fact is...

fact is i can't sleep. fact is karey came home and we've been doing our haven't seen you in a long time chat lying in the dark in our room and now i'm tired but not sleepy. decided that i needed a break from my bed. so here i am.

fatima and i heard that the ferries were crazy. not lunitic boats, crazy conditions ie. busy. so we left around two thirty despite dad's usual attempt to keep us, which involved grabbing my suitcase and not letting go when i was wheeling it towards the mudroom door. he said it was too busy. we should wait until the crowds disperse and take the last ferry. i said ya right. then we won't get on! i said face it dad, if i gave in, when it came time to go again, you would say ah forget it take the first ferry in the morning. he said that was an excellent idea and that's when he made a grab for the luggage. after the fight for the outside door was won, dad helped me load the car with the three suitcases i had. no, i didn't bring three suitcases for a one week venture, i'm not that bad. i took one of mom's and dad's for my trip to salt lake city. (every time i say salt lake city, i feel like that commercial when the cowboys look at the jar of salsa and see that it was made in new york city!) mom came running out with my missing laundry bag, hugs had been completed and we were on our way. we found the whole driving on the ferry at departure bay experience novel. we had to put on our hazards and we got directed to do a big swooping turn around (quite fun, we decided) and park in a comandeered lane of stewart avenue. to pass time in the car line up, we played with my new camera phone. i took close up pictures of both of our eyes in negative mode. fatima said it looked like aliens were coming out of our eyes. i took a picture of fatima for almost every colour mode i hadn't tried yet. we took one of the ferry/road worker as we drove by him. when we got to pay the lady at the booth i asked her if we made the five oh clock. she said we made the five and the four thirty was 'iffy'. we didn't even know there was a four thirty, iffy or no. so i read fatima some quotes of people on their deathbeds (a very interesting book i got from beth in my stocking) and we got colder by the minute. it was freezing today! finally i couldn't take it any longer and turned on the car and blasted the heat. my furry pillow with a dog's head and tail (a gift from amay to go with the pure lovin blanket of yester christmases) got to ride up front on fatima's lap the whole way. he tried to keep her warm with his furry body. he has no legs. he glides. i had sarah's "merry christmas woodchuck" song in my head and i kept singing it and fatima would reply in the same tune "merry christmas snoopy." it made me laugh every time.

when it comes to phase 10 dad believes he is above skipping. he should never be skipped. others are more deserving. everytime he got skipped he gave an incredulous "WHY?" luckily he calmed down about it after a while and just picked up his patrick o'brian book and read during his skipped turns. it was sunday night and we (fats and i) were playing with dough and layne and tracy and dad. by the time we got the last three phases, it was only fats and i, dad and dough. sometimes dad would inxplicably answer to doug, although no one at that table called him doug, two of us being his children and all, and whatnot. after the game it was late and we snacked a little in the kitchen and dough and dad proceeded to question fatima about indian matters. some questions were quite embarrassing to me and made me cringe somewhat. dad seemed to think fatima was from a sikh family, for one which made for some confusion, and dough asked some funny questions like to indians have longer legs? dad went to bed after a while but dough and fats and i stayed up until two thirty talking. little pea was up too. at times we jabbed her with questions about brian, like fatima's favourite "what are his interests?", but she was recalcitrant to say the least. tubers tend to be that way. we talked about places all over the world and where dough, fats and i should go on vacation. "let's go to mexico, laura" dough suggested. "just the three of us?" i wondered in my head. i doubt del will go for that, but i just said "ok." amay wasn't invited because she is already a world traveler and indeed according to her 'youth of today' are all world travelers.
