black as tar

description of my days: work work work, shop, shop, shop.

hardest to buy for: miss kareyleigh. she used to be a cinch and now she's impossible. what to do, except your best, eh? speaking of doing your best, my knitting project is not doing well. it should be doing fine but it isn't. i'd like to continue to ignore it, but it's becoming indisputable. there's weak spots and almost ladders. i don't enjoy that. what i enjoy is a perfect product made by myself. if there must be imperfections let them be minute, not blatantly obvious. i may just unravel and give up. karey says to me in disbelief "you think you're going to get that done in 2 weeks?" " i don't know." was my honest reply, "maybe". i was met with muted scorn. "you and your projects started two weeks before christmas." true enough, but what about believing in your friends? what about that?

i have heart burn a queasy stomach and let's just say bowel concerns.
