you promised me dear, you'd always love me...

just got home from babysitting the twins. ruth and rob had been priming them for my visit all week, telling them every day that laura was coming, so when karelia burst around the corner and saw me, she laughed and squealed and ran around in a wild frenzy for quite some time. i asked rob if he was feeding her cola beverages. he said "no, she's just excited to see you." me and the babes had a good time together. they have the most voracious appetite for books than any other 21 month olds i know. i love sitting cross legged on the floor with each of them on a knee paying rapt attention to whatever story you're reading. it reminds me of when bean and pea were little and i'd carry them at the same time, one on each hip. i love their simple delight in things like their own toes. i like sitting with them both on my lap again during bottle time, with the lights very low, and angus has his blankie and karelia is twirling her hair and sometimes mine and i sing you are my sunshine to them until their done. once in a while they turn to look at me or put their fingers on my mouth and say "lola." as if to remind themselves that it's me. and then they snuggle down all sweetly in their cribs... sigh.

i've had a tight headache all night. and an ache in my kidney all day. fatima says i can have hers. kidney that is. that's what friends are for, for good times, for bad times, i'll be on your side forever more...
