requiem with bernard

i'm sitting here in my black t-shirt that says mountain roots on it with a grey long-sleeve underneath and i'm wearing my green pj bottoms on the bottom (ironicly). i changed into the pjs because the bottoms of my jeans were soaking wet and it was making me cold. let's follow this trail further shall we? my jeans were wet because i was outside in the pouring rain for quite a while. i was outside in the pouring rain because i discovered that my tire was completely flat upon leaving my work parking lot. my tire was completely flat, as it turned out when i took it to fountain tire, because there was a screw in it. cost me 27 buckeroos. aparently i have a spare tire AND a jack in my trunk. i didn't know. well steve told me once about the spare, but i never saw it with my own two eyes, and the jack was a complete surprise. i got the guys at work to change it for me. dave, the holder of the umbrella, said he was a little bitter because when that happened to him, everyone left him without so much as a good luck buddyboy. i said i was playing the helpless new girl card. the new girl card isn't going to last much longer, so i must needs cash in on it while i can.

i feel like i'm coming down with something again, and i feel that this is not fair.

last night's excursion to the symphony was very enjoyable. we got rush tickets. this means you stand in line just before the show and you get the left overs. it only cost 15 dollars each! wow, eh? this time we sat way way way up at the back in the balcony. row 22. this was my first time in the balcony in the orpheum. it had its moments. i liked the way you could see the whole orchestra at once. it was a more wholistic experience, you could say. up close you when you can see the conductor's face, or only the cellos or violins, you really get to see them, and your experience is more intimate, and more detailed, but you miss a lot of other stuff that's going on. in the balcony you are more detached, viewing the whole thing before you, but you don't feel as much a part of it. know what i mean vern? this time we didn't have bramwell tovey. we had a guy from quebec. i don't remember his name exactly but i do remember bernard. that's a part of his name somewhere. could be the first, could be the last. i'm sure stephen will tell me as soon as he reads this. bernard burst into the international scene in 1991. that's a quote. he was a good 'shaper' as steve said, but he seemed more detached than bramwell. oh i forgot to say what the symphony was playing. it was mozart. mozart's symphony no. 39, which is apparently his most elegant, and the best part was after intermission. that's when we heard requiem, accompanied by the vancouver bach choir and four soloists. i liked it a lot. the choir was very powerful. and it was all about judgement and mercy, which i liked too. after the symphony i grossed steve out by eating calamari at white spot. all he had was a milkshake. i was going to get the mountain madness, but i didn't. one day i will though. one day i will.

we might go to madam butterfly. this makes me very happy.
