pop or drop

today me and two of the daves from work and maryanne, a weekender, did our shift of first aid training. our teacher was peter ko. i thought he might be korean, but i could be wrong. i liked peter. when we were learning how to help a choking adult, and i had my arms around dave d., with my fist just above his belly button, peter asked us how long we should do the thrusts for. this is when he introduced us to the st.john ambulance's technical term "pop or drop". basically you keep doing the maneuver until the casulaty pops up the 'foreign particle' or drops unconcious. this was a day of getting to 'know' your co-workers. all i'm going to say is rapid body search.

one of the first things we learned was how to stabalize the head, then we learned how to stabalize the head while rolling the casualty over. this is when i believe i hurt my neck. yes i hurt my neck learning first aid. it's really sore now, worse than any kink that i've had from sleeping wrong.

i came home and slept for an hour and a half of the news. peter said we would lose two pounds today and burn 500 calories. i don't think 500 calories is a lot to burn, or am i wrong?

i finally watched master and commander and i liked it very much.

well time to stop sleeping here in my chair and start sleeping over there in my bed under my big fluffy covers.
