lest we forget

i'm here at my pal fat's house. she's currently blowdrying her long locks. just between me and you, she takes an abnormally long time to get ready. when you bring it up she starts talking de-nile talk. shhh. so fat and i are spending remembrance day together. very fitting. because it's good to remember each other as well as a vet or two. speaking of the vets. i watched channel three during the moment of silence this morning. i like doing that. the guy was still playing lament on his bag pipes when roger mattu knocked on our door. "he would have to come during the moment of silence" i muttered as i retreated to the bedroom, not wanting to greet roger with wet hair in pins. roger was coming to take a lookiloo at our furnace. it's broken and this resulted in a very cold house. karey and i had been huddling under blankets all morning and when elicia emerged from her room she was wearing her red hoodie with the hood up, if you know what i mean, moaning about the cold. cold effects elicia more than karey and i. she's not going to have a good night since the furnace guy isn't coming until tomorrow morning. furnace guys remember the vets too you know.
last night i went to the movies. i saw ray. not a guy named ray, but the movie ray. about ray charles robinson. it was pretty good. randy was right when he said they focused a lot about the drug use. i liked ray's mamma.
last night i fell asleep before i could stay up late. what a waste of a day off eve.
hey holy cow, my bud the budbud of all budbuds is finally ready. let's go eat eh.
