hi wheeza, remember me?

ok if i put 'uisa, people might not know who i mean. i finally ate my pomegranate today. i bought this pomegranate the last time i went grocery shopping which was monday september 27th. (i know this because i wrote about the trip in this here blog) hey, that means i didn't shop all of october! huh. a month of food lost forever... anyways, the point is, it was a delicious pomegranate, and it reminded me that pomegranates are a joy to eat and that i should buy and eat pomegranates more often. everyone should. steve would say that it's too much work to eat, but i say in return that it is well worth the effort and further, that the effort enhances the pleasure of eating the little juicy ruby seeds.
i've been feeling very ho-hum lately. it's a grey drab world in my eyes these days. i've lost something. i don't know what it is, or how to get it back. i just try to ignore it. but it's there in everything, greyness, colourlessness, joylessness. everyday i wake up and i feel like something's not right. i miss the mornings of feeling right. i miss feeling excited and feeling hope.
yesterday i galavanted about to yarn shops and visited the new-ageish-yoga-philosophyish store in steveston. then i babysat angus and karelia. it was fun to play with them again and get them all riled up and laughing. it's nice that we haven't lost our connection. after i got them to bed i had extreme difficulty figuring out how to use their dvd player and had given up winding my new yarn to sense and sensibility when i inadvertantly hit the correct button on the third remote and it turned out to be the remote of dvd opportunities. marianne was just mocking 'elener' "that i think very highly of him, that i like him" when ruth and rob arrived home. so goodbye mr. edward ferris, hello wit (that's a name). wit was the guy i liked best in thin red line. i liked him because in the midst of horrible things, he was a believer of good things. he believed in the beautiful and he was all about saving people. of course it was steve who showed me thin red line. it was also steve who induced me to argue about blondes in utah. why do i always fall for things like that? can't let them alone. just can't.
today was potluck and ces. i marked my scriptures during most of the lessons today.
