Dramma fo yo Mamma...

Crockie here. Present! There's a guy in my marketing class who always says, 'Present' when the teacher does roll call. He's a bit of a nerd. I saw him continually eating candy out of his pocket. I mean, he had the candy bag positioned in his pocket just so, so that he could put his hand in and periodically get his candy fill in class. From where I was sitting, I could see the candybag peeping out of his pants pocket. I kept thinking, 'why doesn't he just take the bag out of his pocket and put it on the table?? It's half peeping out anyways.' Wouldn't that be easier? Shouldn't candy be eaten freely? Whatever. Confession: I did feel like going over to him and pulling out the candybag and plopping it down in front of him. I mean, why make candybagging harder than it should be? What, does he think he was hiding his candybag from the rest of us or something? Like we'd take his candy away?? I had a full view of his escapades and I was distracted everytime he lowered his hand into his candybag pocket and took a candy and sneakily put it in his mouth. I mean, I just didn't get it!
Well, it's finals time and you know what that means..... studying. Be prepared for some interesting MSN screen names courtesy of yours truly. I use MSN names as a study tool, meaning, I change them to formulas, equations, or definitions that I have to remember. It works. Sure, some may read my screen name and think how geeky, but at least I don't keep candybags in my pocket. At least I'm not afraid to show my candybag to my publics.

Crockie, owwwt.
