today i was making my bed, and lo and behold, what should i find under my hope chest? the hedgehog. the hedgehog that steve bought for me on the day of the relief society broadcast. i forgot all about it! well it's gone now. it's traveling the tubes as we speak.
i feel like i'm coming down with a cold all over again, but i wasn't finished with the first one yet. whatever. you know? i'm tired of the whole thing. do your worst--don't matter to me. today i wrote a to do list on the white board and commenced the check off proccess. accomplishments:
1. a run
2. clean the bathroom
3. make supper
4. make bed
don't scoff at my 'wins' of the day. this is big for me. i actually did something i was supposed to do. that i needed to do. and i did four of them. other people do these kinds of things every day, but i'm not one of those. i'm accomplishment impaired. pat me on the back. give me a hip! hip! i also wanted to clip my tonails, but was foiled in this attempt because the tonail cilppers are AWOL. this wories me. i mean pretty soon you'll be able to hear the click click of my nails against the linoleum as i walk just like our long-nailed red dog. ah well.
