so sarah and her friend aya came over today to look for salons to do their practicums in. i picked them up at the ferry at ten and we stopped briefly at my salon in yaletown, which sarah thought she might like to try out and then off to ubc, which sarah has christened 'yoob' for short, where aya is doing her practicum. back at the ranch we picked up karey and we all went downtown and stuffed our tummies full of gyoza and sushi, and korean bbq, and salmon fried rice and the like. then we just plain ordinary shopped. i bought a new bag. had to. it was calling to me. also bought a cd at virgin. yes b and a, the one i wanted. "maaaaaary LENNOX!!" i was surprised they had it. but they did. felt strange being in a music store without steve. kept thinking i'd turn and see him browsing the classical section. at the gap i nearly bought carmen victoria this cute little pink fluffy soft coat/bag, but my doubts wouldn't let me be, so i bought nothing. jack squat, sarah said. my dayquil was fast wearing off. we wearied. that is, all of us but aya the energizer bunny. nourishment was obtained in the form of an orange julius. thus replenished, we made our way back to the car and headed towards northvan, where i was introduced to whole foods. the all natural grocery store. and it's big. it's the size of a safeway. basically it's awesome. the tea section alone was a trayshure beyond mayshure. had to limit myself to two new teas only. i think an indian princess friend of mine would have a hay day there. what i'm saying is that the natural beauty section was quite extensive. so we explored whole foods somewhat bought a few things, then dropped the girls off at the ferry and came home. now i've seen annie. aaaaaaaaaaand i saw her grown up self in the special features. was a little disallusioned to find that it wasn't her natural hair in the movie. she has straight brown hair and always has had. i suppose santa claus isn't real either? i'm going to bed. i'm thick headed with a continual slow nasal drip and a tight achy head. nose is getting alarmingly raw. please please please, no cracked enamel nostril repeats.
