so last night steve and i had a 'talk' and it was the break-up kind of talk. so we're broken up. not together. respectively single. it was actually a good talk. the openness was a relief to me. and steve just seemed freed from a big burden. there was quite a remarkable change in him. today i'm adjusting. i keep reminding myself "you're broken up you know." " i know" i say back, with a little bit of wonder. the thing is, i don't feel bad. i think i've already been through all that before we even broke up. i do feel a little sense of loss--loss of closeness, but we're still friendly, and plan to be friends still and that's good. i think if that weren't so, i'd be more sad and upset. as it is, i think i know that it's right. so we'll see how it works out. i came home and told karey about it as we were falling asleep. we were talking about being single again and wondering if there really is anyone out there for us and so on and she said it was time for us to move. fact is marilla, it don't matter much, beacause i'm taking a leetle break for a while.
i woke up today still not feeling so hot, but good enough to survive a short day at work. lisa was back and she brought me a witch pez dispenser, because i like candy. and i do. i named the witch lisa. makes perfect sense.
i think i'll cuddle up on the couch and snooze. the couch an' me are buds these days.
